FREE Whitepaper: A Secret Recipe For Successful Start Up Branding

By Janil Jean , Oct 21 2014

Many startups today are born out of the ideation and passion of their owners with the implicit impression that they have the ultimate unique idea that will blow the consumers’ mind away. The reality is – they don’t. Ideas are a dime a dozen, make that two dozens, and consumers are more fickle today than ever before.

While the majority of startup owners have some idea of branding, their approaches and strategies are pretty fuzzy. As a startup owner, you don’t stand a chance against competitors, big or small, if you don’t brand effectively.

This whitepaper is a shortcut to successfully brand your small business.

A Secret Recipe For Successful Start Up Branding







Janil Jean is an idealist blogger and social media addict who loves conversations related to branding, storytelling, startups and small business technology and design.

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