Raquel Addams

15 Website Designs to Fall in Love with

The web is quick to pick up trends and advance accordingly. This explains why most websites are rushing towards minimalist…

9 years ago

Advice Graphic Designers Can Learn from Sports Celebrities

When do you know you are successful? This question is always in the back of a graphic designer's mind as…

9 years ago

12 iPhone Apps to Make a Designer’s Life Easy around Christmas!

Bid farewell to the year that was full of opportunities for the design communities. In a similar way, the coming…

9 years ago

How NOT To Revamp Your Brand This Holiday Season

How brands normally do it: embrace the Christmas theme with zest and spirit, deck out the site with a cheesy…

10 years ago

Disney Logo Plays off Complexity in Redesign

The Disney Channel has long been a staple of Disney entertainment, and their logo has gone through numerous iterations. Their…

10 years ago

The New Bacardi Logo – It’s Five O’ Clock Somewhere!

When researching the liquor market one is amazed by the saturation of the brightly colored labels, and bottles offering you…

10 years ago