Graphic Designers

25 Ways to Spot a Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are possibly the coolest and weirdest people on Earth … in a good way!  Today we give you normal people twenty five hints on how to recognize a graphic designer.

Those with these characteristics may just be a graphic designer:

  1. Stares at every logo design he/she comes across for longer than 5 seconds.
  2. Gets overly enthusiastic when talking about colors, shapes, fonts and design.
  3. Will take a long time with a restaurant menu to admire colors or to even criticize the design, fonts or image placement.
  4. Owns a tablet, an iPhone, a net book and a desktop PC, all with the same design app/software installed and possibly synced onto one network.
  5. Critically views all TV commercials and magazine advertisements.
  6. Gives a brutally honest opinion about your design sense.
  7. Would spend all their money on expensive Apple products, if they can, and dream about hi-tech gadgets.
  8. Finds inspiration in everything. From the pattern on a dress to the cover of the book, they will find inspiration everywhere!
  9. Because of many sleepless nights, as they work 24/7, they may be seen with sleepy look with dark circles under their eyes.

Image Source: bombuscreative/
  1. Loves watching animated movies and can watch them ten times in a row without boredom.
  2. Will even be found experimenting with food collaborations, no matter what’s in the fridge!
  3. Is hardly ever away from their comfort corner, aka his work space.
  4. Will stop mid-sentence just to say “OMG! Look at that cool design!”
  5. Is likely to buy and collect weird stuff only because they love the packaging.
  6. May have a cluttered room filled with magazines, posters, brochures and even comic books.
  7. Loves scribbling their name in a hundred of different font styles.
  8. Uses terms like CMYK, RGB, Pantone and others in normal conversation without realizing that you didn’t follow.
  9. Listens to a different type of music and won’t understand why you don’t like it.
  10. Is able to explain the theory behind billboard advertising and good poster design.

Image Source: Tinpixels/
  1. Prefer reading books with images, rather than those with words.
  2. Will ask for your opinion, but then do the exact opposite. Don’t be surprised!
  3. Might not express their love for you in words, but will use the artistic approach.
  4. Is addicted to Facebook or Twitter and likely posts links and videos that they love.
  5. Will adore you if you have mastered a design software or like to discuss color combinations.
  6. Complains the most about clients asking for revisions of their design.

The next time you see a guy talking endlessly about colors or passionately criticizing a brochure, you know why … that’s a graphic designer.

How much of this applies to you? Do tell us 😀

Blog Updated

Being a graphic designer implies that you are chained to a workstation without having a life? Wrong! There is more to it than meets the eye.

Graphic designers are possibly the coolest and weirdest people on Earth … in a good way! It’s true that there are some side-effects of working in a creative profession and this definitely shapes their personality. Today we will give you, normal people, twenty five hints on how to recognize a graphic designer.

The next time you see a guy talking endlessly about colors or passionately criticizing a brochure, you know why … that’s a graphic designer.

Find the best designers in town

This article is originally update by: Alexis Stone

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Mehreen Siddiqua

My spirit lies in the distant past that I never saw with my own eyes but wish to reveal it to the world there is wisdom in the old adage. My heart lies in a future that is filled with imaginative art, technological advancements and scientific discovery in tomorrow-land. In my present, I want to bring about positive change through simple innovative ideas for businesses, brands, visual graphic designers and the world community at large.

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