8 Big Data Tools for Tech Startup Marketing

By Michael Baker , Apr 18 2024
Tech startup marketing

Featured Image: Freepik.com/vectorjuice

Big data is a term that refers to the vast and complex information that cannot be processed easily.

But with the right tools, it can be analyzed and understood to provide valuable insights. In fields such as marketing and technology, big data can be leveraged to increase sales, and organic reach, and build a loyal customer base.

There are also a few ways that big data can help tech startups with visual marketing. So, how does this work? Well, you can find many different big data tools for tech startup marketing to analyze and process information, and deliver results. Before we delve into those further, let’s briefly examine what big data entails.

What is Big Data?

The term big data captures the concept of data that is too huge or complicated to be processed with conventional data manipulating methods. Regardless of its huge size and complexity, big data is still data by definition. Yet, the analysis of big data needs specific tools. You can find that most of them can help you streamline workflow as well.

Outside of data processing, there are many other tools online, like an AI logo maker for instance, that can help you set up your business.

Big data, is generally believed to be characterized by three V’s: tempo, diversity, and volume. This V’s decomposition allows the data to be moved from the traditional to the big data world. Consider these three essential V’s of big data to understand its meaning better:

  • Volume. As streaming data is usually unstructured and can reach Terabytes or even Petabytes, Twitter data feeds are often full of this type of data. In that case, Word documents can consume less than a few hundred kilobytes.
  • Velocity. While the Internet is growing in popularity, companies will have a higher rate of data entry at the same time, which will increase the complexity of their data processing. It is also of great significance to remember that the quantity of data produced by every consumer grows together with the business.
  • Variety. The database contains files with different extensions, for instance, MP4, DOC, HTML, and many others. Through your experiences, you will see that data is more varied the more the number of extensions you visit.

What Are Big Data Tools?

A big data tool collects data from multiple sources and allows companies to analyze large datasets to identify patterns, trends, correlations, and insights. With big data analytics tools, you can attract more visitors to your professionally designed websites and market your SaaS product or service effectively.

Companies can use big data analytics to:

  • Make real-time decisions that are based on raw data.
  • Learn more about the needs of your customers, trends in the market, and potential risks.
  • Identify new product or service opportunities.
  • Develop advertisements that are more closely aligned with the needs of customers.
  • Create landing pages tailored to your target audience’s interests and needs.

8 Top Big Data Tools for Tech Startup Marketing

To help you get started here are the 8 most common big data tools for tech startup marketing. Let’s take a look.

    1. Apache Spark

Apache Spark
Image Source: spark.apache.org

Just like in every industry, technological milestones in branding and marketing have been achieved over time. And Spark is a great example of one such tool that has and is helping marketers and data scientists across the globe. It was introduced in 2012 as a unified analytics engine designed to handle large amounts of data via clustered computing.

It is capable of processing both streams and batches. A major advantage of the program is that it includes modules for streaming data, SQL, and machine learning algorithms.

You can program in your preferred languages like R, Java, Python, and Scala as well. Spark is open-source and has a wide range of built-in features, which make it incredibly useful for marketing.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Spark can be utilized in marketing to process large volumes of data, enabling marketers to analyze customer behavior, perform sentiment analysis on social media data, and personalize marketing campaigns based on real-time insights.

There is no doubt that Spark can effectively handle both batch and real-time processing. As a result, older big data tools lacking these capabilities are becoming increasingly outdated. According to Apache, Spark can process 100 terabytes of big data in a third of the time by using a fraction of the computing resources.

    2. Alteryx

Image Source: community.alteryx.com

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to analyze complex business intelligence. Several advanced data mining and analysis tools are provided by Alteryx that allow users to analyze data in a simple, understandable manner.

Using Alteryx, you can combine internal data and public information to make better business decisions. You can generate graphs, storylines, and interactive visual designs from the software dashboard. Additionally, it includes collaboration features that facilitate team discussions.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Alteryx empowers marketers to perform advanced data mining and analysis tasks without coding skills. It allows them to combine internal and external data sources, generate interactive data visualizations, and obtain actionable insight for higher conversions

Alteryx can provide departmental data, such as marketing, sales, operations, and customer analytics, in addition to business data. Furthermore, the platform covers various industries such as retail, entertainment, media, manufacturing, consumer packaged goods, and healthcare.

    3. Tableau

Image Source: tableau.com/products/desktop

Many data visualization tools are available, but Tableau stands out among them. You can effectively track and analyze your data with its sophisticated platform. By integrating Tableau with your existing technologies, such as marketing analytics and CRM, you can gain a single, accurate, up-to-date view of what is and is not working.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Tableau enables marketers to visualize and analyze marketing data effectively, helping them track campaign performance, analyze customer behavior, and identify trends and patterns to optimize marketing strategies.

It is possible to download a free version of Tableau, but its capabilities are limited. It is possible to subscribe to Tableau in three different ways. A subscription to Tableau Creator is $70.00, a subscription to Tableau Explorer is $35.00, and a subscription to Tableau Viewer is $12.00.

    4. Kissmetrics

Image Source: kissmetrics.io

Are you looking for ways to maximize your marketing ROI? The Kissmetrics platform allows you to understand your customers, segment them based on their behavior, and engage with them.

With Kissmetrics, users can design, create, and automate customer behavior-based email campaigns. Using the platform, you can measure more than just the opening rates and clicks for a campaign.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Kissmetrics provides marketers with tools to understand customer behavior, segment customers based on their actions, and engage with them through personalized email campaigns.

In addition, Kissmetrics now offers Kissmetrics for e-commerce, designed to improve Facebook and Instagram’s return on investment (ROI), lower cart abandonment rates, and increase repeat sales. So, if you are looking to leverage big data to design social media posts for educational institutions, for example, this tool could work very well for tracking campaigns.

With Kissmetrics, you can access webinars, how-to guides, web designs, articles, and

infographics to improve your marketing campaigns. During your onboarding process, a dedicated customer success representative will assist you in getting the most out of the platform in the first 60 days.

    5. InsightSquared

Image Source: insightsquared.com

InsightSquared lets you mine your data without wasting time mining spreadsheets and analyzing them. The InsightSquared platform automatically gathers data and extracts actionable information from business applications you probably already have access to. This includes Salesforce, QuickBooks, Google Analytics, and Zendesk.

A CRM data integration, including Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services, enables InsightSquared to offer essential insights like forecasting, lead generation, profitability analysis, and activity monitoring. This tool also identifies trends, strengths, weaknesses, and sales team wins and losses.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

InsightSquared offers marketing analytics tools that automatically gather and analyze data from various sources, including CRM systems and marketing platforms. It helps marketers track key metrics, such as lead generation and campaign performance, and identify opportunities for improvement.

    6. Google Analytics

Google Analytics
Image Source: marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics

Data collection does not require expensive software. You can begin by utilizing an asset you already own – your website. The free Google Analytics platform allows small businesses to analyze data on their website across all touchpoints.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing website traffic, user behavior, and marketing campaign performance. Marketers can use it to measure website engagement, track conversion rates, and optimize marketing efforts.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

To meet the objectives of your business, you should monitor and analyze visitor behavior, including where traffic comes from, audience engagement, and visitor retention (bounce rate). When it comes to digital marketing for small businesses, this tool is quite useful.

Additionally, you may want to analyze the social media traffic to your website and make any necessary adjustments to your social media marketing campaigns based on what is and is not working. Identifying the mobile visitors to your site can assist you in providing a better mobile experience for your customers.

    7. Sisense

Image Source: sisense.com

A few of the tools on our list require programming knowledge. Alternatively, if you are looking for a big data tool that requires no technical expertise, Sisense’s Big Data platform may be a perfect fit.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Sisense enables marketers to analyze and visualize big data without technical expertise, providing insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and market trends

It provides a robust data analysis and visualization tool suite, built-in ETL tools, Python, and R, and custom implementations for healthcare, manufacturing, and retail sectors. If it has any drawbacks, they do not match up to the ease of use it provides.

    8. Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics
Image Source: zoho.com

This tool enables marketers to track and analyze data from a wide range of sources. Your data is displayed clearly on your dashboard, so you can make informed decisions that will help you achieve your goals.

How to Use for Tech Startup Marketing

Zoho Analytics provides affordable data analysis and reporting tools; however, it is only accessible to Zoho customers. If you choose to subscribe to a plan, you can get access to great marketing features for data analysis, distribution, and real-time tracking. It simplifies the decision-making process, enabling business owners and marketers to understand their target customers.

What are the Uses of Big Data in Marketing?

By using big data analytics, a business can learn about its user base and get an insight into trends, preferences, and behavior patterns. This allows companies to formulate marketing strategies and make product decisions based on the data insights they have obtained.

    1. Engaging and Retaining Customers

Marketers can benefit from big data regarding customers and they can increase the depth of their understanding of demographics, locations, and interests, thereby providing a more personalized product experience with increased loyalty.

It is a good idea to make sure that branding assets like the logo design and website are in place before you get started with marketing strategies.

    2. Optimise Marketing Campaigns

With big data solutions, organizing the data, and determining which campaigns, strategies, and social media platforms get the most attention becomes easier. This, in turn, ensures that marketing dollars are spent more wisely while also cutting costs on projects that are not generating any revenue or meeting the needs of the target audience.

    3. Tracking Competitor Operations

It is also possible to use big data to identify the price differences among competitors and determine what the customers are more likely to buy. Marketers can adjust their pricing, logistics, and other operations in line with the average market standards to stay competitive and draw customers.

How Should You Choose a Big Data Analytics Tool?

Big data analytics tools require a lot of consideration. Here are some factors to consider when finding the right tool based on your current technology stack.

    1. Reasonably Priced and No Additional Costs

The prices of big data analytics software vary greatly, much like the fluctuating costs of refurbished mobile devices. Some tools are inexpensive, while others lean towards the pricier end. Most tools’ pricing plans are based on a certain set of criteria. Sometimes, extra charges are applied for account setup, system integration, and overuse of the service.

Ensure that you know what you are paying for and what value you will get before you put your signature on the contract.

    2. Superior Tracking and Analytics Functionality

Big data analytics tools are slow and costly. If you choose services that are not the best for your business, you will probably lose money. Observe what each solution has to offer, and how each feature will improve your workflow.

    3. Easy to Integrate and Implement

Integrations are one of the key factors to be considered when choosing a big data analytics provider. Big data analytics tools need to be integrated with other applications and tools for them to be effective.

Make sure that the software you are about to buy fits into your current marketing technology stack. For instance, when it comes to design technologies for tech companies, many of them are adopting new ones like AI, VR, and AR. Similarly, you should consider whether the tool will be compatible with technological changes over time.

    4. Scalable and Maintainable

Scalability is the key factor of big data. As big data is growing, more tools are needed to store and protect it. Data is growing at a fast pace, so you should make sure that the chosen solution can change and grow too.


Businesses can improve their efficiency and effectiveness by utilizing big data. Since online solutions have become essential to daily life, businesses now have access to a wide range of data. Each big data platform mentioned above has its unique features and purposes, so in a way, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

You should ensure that the platform you select is compatible with your organization’s needs as a whole. What may work well for your team might not work for another. Consider the pros and cons carefully and then make the right decision.

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Market research nerd with a penchant for graphic design and branding. A digital marketer by profession; a creature of the web by compulsion.