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Do you know all the words related to graphic design? There are hundreds of graphic design terms that designers and/or clients need to familiarize themselves with in order to work efficiently in this industry. Without the right words, it becomes hard to give instructions or work in groups. Our list of graphic design terminologies is how you can learn words and phrases that are used in this industry.
Keep this graphic design glossary handy for whenever you need to use a specific design jargon. If you can, try to memorize a few important words that are mostly used by graphic design professionals. This way, it will become easier for you to communicate your design specifications.
To learn these graphic design words, pick the ones that belong to your industry. For example, if you are from the web designing industry, then you need to know what responsive design is. The trick is to select terms that are from one design field, and use them frequently so that they engrave in your mind.
Many words don’t belong to a specific industry, but are words from a design software, or are words that are generally used while designing branding and marketing items for a business. To memorize such words, you need to see our graphic design dictionary and identify which are the most relevant to you and learn them as you continue with work.
Do you want to learn something new? Do you want to improve your skills? Do you want a polished design sensibility? Do you want to know how some famous brands hit the pinnacle? Whether it’s design, programming, brand insights, or trends, there are tons of free graphic design eBooks here to help you get started on your journey.
There are a number of tricks to help you memorize design terms from this glossary.
• Pick 3 to 5 words each day
• Don’t simply read the definition, look at a picture that describes it
• Try to use the design term in your communication or work
Keep Learning!