5 Secrets to Dynamic Human-Centered Web Design
Remember the last time you chuckled at a funny joke cracked by your colleagues, and decided on a selfie to post on Twitter with hashtag #FunatWork? Or the time when you came up with a great idea and immediately turned to Google to find out whether anyone else had the same business idea? We hardly realize it, but these are user experiences that have been designed so harmoniously into our lives that we don’t feel their intrusion or exclusion anymore.
The Old Web
Once upon a time this would not have been possible. Computers had seemed like alien objects, and those operated them spoke alien languages of BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, C+, HTML, Java and so on. They still do use some of these languages nowadays but they don’t seem to touch the common man anymore. Instead, we know the web as something that is approachable and “touchable”.
The New Web
Today, the World Wide Web has become a hub for all types of activities from morning coffees to bedtime lullabies; from generating business ideas to mega brand marketing; and the list goes on. The new web is a place where all type of people interact with other people via computers to complete their tasks, carry out chores, achieve goals, and build empires. And the intriguing part is that, all of these activities have been designed by somebody (web designers and developers) in the background so that you go about your online activities without feeling you are actually interacting with robots.
The Human-Centered Web
Yes, we’ve come a long way. Nowadays, the web is not only designed for functionality, but they have to be designed for dynamic user experiences (UX). And when you think of it, people are at the center of UX, hence the emergence of human-centered web design. Each click, navigation path, social share, video, image, mobile access and so on are designed to dynamically cater to the needs of users. A website design that doesn’t allow user interaction to complete their desired goals is not considered a good one.
Secrets to Human-Centered Web Design
Given the demand for dynamic UX, it’s imperative today that web designers excel in it by understanding the intricacies of human behavior related to interactions on the web. How do people behave; what do they prefer; how they interact with websites when they visit them; what’s the importance of the web in their lives etc. These are some of the areas that help give direction to web designers to design a human-centered website but they are not enough. While the topic is vast and exhaustive, here we’ve featured five brands which have excelled in this field, and who’ve divulged their secrets to human centered-web design.
Check them out!