Advice Graphic Designers Can Learn from Sports Celebrities

By Raquel Addams , Jan 27 2015

When do you know you are successful? This question is always in the back of a graphic designer’s mind as they move from project to project. Is there a defined salary that determines success, do you follow a set of rules to it, or is it a feeling that comes to you as you bask in the praise of your latest client?

The road to success is long

Successful designers follow habits to help them meet their goals, but there are times when things aren’t going your way and you end up losing a project or a client rejects your work. Instead of letting failure get to you and bring you down, take it as a lesson learned and move on to the next job. No matter what industry you work in, we all learn the same lessons on what defines success.

When graphic designers are feeling their lowest, take to heart these wise words from sports celebrities and realize others have felt the same as you do.

Have you ever backed out of a project before and what did you learn from the experience?

Raquel Addams is a professional blogger and graphic design enthusiast who employs a unique combination of journalism, communication design and marketing strategy to help her clients to position and launch their enterprise or start-ups.


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