A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Kickass UI/UX Designer

By Raquel Addams , Feb 24 2015

Yes, you’ve read that right – you too can become a kickass UI or UX designer. Don’t get me wrong though; I am not guaranteeing instant success but eventually you’ll get there.  So as a newbie web designer who is aspiring to become a UI/UX designer what do you have to do to become one?

First things first, know that there is a difference between UI and UX. Not surprisingly, the terms are often misunderstood by both designers and those outside the industry.

  • A UI designer works with how products are laid out so that they appeal to the user.
  • A UX designer on the other hand is concerned with how the products feel to user.

Secondly, you will find that most designers are learning to possess both skill sets while others prefer to specialize in one. Whichever you want to go for, UI or UX designing, it’s always a plus to know how the other end works.

In the following infographic, you will learn that the road to becoming a UI or UX designer is not a piece of cake. It requires a lot of effort, keen interest, and understanding things that are beyond graphic design. Learn what is required to get into this field, and how to specialize in it with the following guide.

Have we missed something about UI/UX design? Let us know in the comment below.

Guide to Becoming a Kickass UI/UX Designer

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Raquel Addams is a professional blogger and graphic design enthusiast who employs a unique combination of journalism, communication design and marketing strategy to help her clients to position and launch their enterprise or start-ups.


4 thoughts on “A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Kickass UI/UX Designer

  1. Pingback: Infographic: How To Become A UI/UX Designer | ShoutYourSite
  2. James M says:

    XML don’t you mean JSON?

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