The Periodic Table of Winning Design Elements

By Janil Jean , Jul 8 2014

Let’s face it, working as a freelance designer is not a piece of cake. For a newbie designer, most of time is spent on struggling to find work, learn tricks how to tackle difficult clients and most importantly learn the ropes of the whole process. For a seasoned designer, it’s about polishing up with new skills, keeping up with new trends, trying out ways to win new clients, and trying to maintain a steady inflow of revenue. For a corporate designer, it’s all about getting the final design approved by upper management and move on to the next task.

We all agree unanimously, design work requires a lot of hard work, coordination, and efforts put in getting the client to agree with you. While it may seem easy in these written words, it’s never an easy process. Glitches occur, payments don’t go through, clients ask for the impossible, fellow designers are ready to rip your designs apart, and malicious companies don’t pay up etc. How does one cope with all these issues and yet remain focused on the task at hand? It’s not easy we admit but given these aspects, we’ve found a way to help you keep your calm and carry on.

The following infographic on the Periodic Table of Winning Design Elements, completely sums up what goes on in the design field right from what basic skills designers need to have to design elements to how to handle clients. We’ve also taken into account clients’ perspectives, their responsibilities, and rights, which you might find useful in educating them when contracted to do a job.

So without ado, pour over these nuggets of knowledge and let us know if we’ve missed out any.

Infographic - The Periodic Table of Winning Design Elements

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Janil Jean is an idealist blogger and social media addict who loves conversations related to branding, storytelling, startups and small business technology and design.


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