2018 Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 126days21hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
324 |
Guaranteed Prize
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon | All design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Contest |
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2018 Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference
2018 Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference
HR. Re-Engineered.Plan, Construct, Manage.
The Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference (NOHRC) is an annual event where human resource professionals gather to learn from speakers, network, earn continuing education credits, and visit with exhibitors.
"HR. Re-Engineered." - Is the theme developed for the 2018 conference. The conference is undergoing a significant overhaul for its 52nd year! We have a new location which will allow the conference to grow the number of attendees while offering expanded opportunities to hear from a wider array of speakers. Our exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities will change as well.
Human resources – like many disciplines – is ever-changing. The combination of a new location for the conference, an overhaul in the way the conference is run, while in an industry that is evolving - makes for an appropriate theme.
Administrative Services
Logo Type
High Tech
Client likes Metallic gray/black, white and a third color as an accent.
The theme is re-engineering. A couple of ideas - interlocking pieces (not puzzle pieces) - more like a visual from the movie "transformers." An architectural blueprint is an option - although it may not work with the desired metallic gray/black color scheme.
From a visual perspective - I'm thinking that we're taking an existing structure, schedule, and process - and reformatting all of those items for a new and improved conference experience. i like the idea of putting "things" together or rethinking a process.
IMPORTANT! - The conference is sponsored by the Cleveland Society for Human Resource Management (CSHRM). It would be ideal - from a branding perspective - to include the CSHRM logo in the final logo product for this year's conference. The CSHRM Logo is attached along with the Pantone colors associated with that logo.
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