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Business Card & Stationery for Bookkeeping Company

Bellwether Bookkeeping, Inc.

Contest Holder BellwetherBK ?

Last Logged in : 3461days9hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


Business Cards and Stationery veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business Card & Stationery for Bo ...
Industry: Administrative Services Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 19, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 422 concepts
Winning Design by: aheadpoint
Close Date: Feb 03, 2015

Business Card & Stationery for Bookkeeping Company - Administrative Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business Card & Stationery for Bookkeeping Company

Bellwether Bookkeeping, Inc.

I need single sided standard sized Business Card [3.5" x 2"]

Use standard fonts


Lisa Tugal

Boxborough, MA



Services Sized to Fit Your Needs Bookkeeping & Controllership

Administrative Services

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  • January 27, 2015 6:25 PM
    BellwetherBK BellwetherBK
      Project Holder
    I would like to thank all designers for your submissions. I apologize that I could not be as interactive during this contest as I'd have liked. I wish I could have replied to more messages and given more feedback. But it is, after all, a bookkeeping company and January is the busiest month of the entire year. I should have thought twice before starting the contest this month. I appreciate all your efforts, especially given the minimal feedback I was able to provide, and having so many wonderful designs from which to choose. I am in the process of selecting a winning design. Thank you.

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  • January 20, 2015 9:54 PM
    BellwetherBK BellwetherBK
      Project Holder
    I hope this comment is reaching all designers. I thank everyone for your wonderful designs so far. To clarify, many of you are picking up the logo from the logo design content that includes the initials "BWB". I have chosen to use only the icon and not the initials, as uploaded for this contest. Business cards should read: "Bellwether Bookkeeping, Inc." I would be most grateful if you would revise your submissions accordingly. Thanks and regards.

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