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Business Cards and Stationery - Real Estate

See "information" and "additional comments"

Contest Holder bluekey22 ?

Last Logged in : 3479days8hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Business Cards and Stationery veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Business Cards and Stationery - R ...
Industry: Real Estate Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 09, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 241 concepts
Winning Design by: ArtworksKingdom
Close Date: Mar 07, 2015

Business Cards and Stationery - Real Estate - Real Estate

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business Cards and Stationery - Real Estate

See "information" and "additional comments"

I need double sided standard sized Business Card [3.5" x 2"]

Use same font as used in my logo




Torsten Holmgren

Managing Broker

7017 NE Hwy 99, Ste 216 Vancouver, WA 98665

Direct - 360-952-3781

Cell - 360-241-8812

Licensed in OR & WA

We want to use UV spotting on our cards. Here is a video link from the printing company we are using. If you are unfamiliar with creating files for UV spotting, it requires one file for the card and a second mask file for the UV spotting. I've uploaded the template files to use from Primo Cards along with our Adobe Illustrator Logo files and a head shot. We probably don't want a head shot on the card, but have uploaded just in case. Please use Adobe Illustrator.

Probably just the logo. Something that is clean, possible a repeated design such as the logo. Would like to consider UV spotting on back. Try searching for "business cards spot uv" on Google, then look at the "images" link.

Real Estate

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  • January 14, 2015 2:23 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Dear Designers, Kindly follow the below mention instructions by the Project holder for better and improve designs: We want to use spot UV on our cards, front and back. Here is a video Link from the printing company we are using. If you are unfamiliar with creating file for Spot UV, it requires one file for the card and a second mask file for the UV spotting. Use your creativity, but a couple ideas for the back would be to repeat our logo over and over across the entire back. It may be nice to somehow put our website within those repeated logos. Or it may not be nice, depending on how it looks. You could also just make our logo with URL on the back. For the front, you will have to be creative to make it work. Our logo could be UV spotted. And then probably some sort of nice design that covers a portion of the front, keeping in mind that the uv spot coating design can overlap anything. Or maybe it would look best to only spot uv our logo. The content for the card is in our creative brief. We would also like to include "We Love Referrals!" somewhere on the card. Here are a few images for some ideas. Keep in mind that we don't want a copy of what is done with these ideas. They are simply ideas of what can be done with UV spotting.

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  • January 12, 2015 1:41 PM
    bluekey22 bluekey22
      Project Holder
    I forgot to add on that last comment, that the black designs are way to dark for our tastes. Blue on the back looks nice. We prefer the lighter designs on the front of the card.

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  • January 12, 2015 1:28 PM
    bluekey22 bluekey22
      Project Holder
    We are looking for double sided cards with rounded corners and some UV spotting on both sides. We like the design of #96 on the back side, however it looks like there may be some silver foil on the logo. We won't be doing foil, just spotting. There are a lot of nice designs so far, but we need to have the combination of rounded corners and UV spotting. Thanks.

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