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Capability Statement Update

Consolidate four pages of material into one page

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Project Finalized

Project: Capability Statement Update
Contest Launched: Oct 19, 2016
Selected: 1 winning design from 31 concepts
Winning Design by: Achiver
Close Date: Oct 26, 2016

Capability Statement Update - Technology Transfer

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Capability Statement Update

Consolidate four pages of material into one page

Technology Transfer

Our target audience includes the federal government and large corporations. This capability statement is our primary marketing tool. As such, it needs to be clean, professional, and consistent with our logo/colors.

1. Start by looking at our existing document. In a design sense, we do not want much to change. 2. You must use our current logo. I will provide our logo as an attachment on the project. 3. Please do not use any images. 4. Keep each of the certifications we have (ISO, GSA, HUBZone). Remove the Small Disadvantaged Business logo and description. 5. On page two of the current document, please change the flowchart to a list. Each of the five boxes has a section title and then between one and three elements underneath. 6. On page three, please just keep the logos for each client we have done work for. Remove the text to the right of each logo to save space. 7. On page four, only keep the first three NAICS codes and their descriptions. 8. Remove the map on page four. 9. Be creative but keep in mind that we are very happy with the existing design and theme. We are primarily looking to make this a shorter document.

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