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(Expedite)Marketing pieces for a mental health program

PEACE program services

Contest Holder PEACEproject ?

Last Logged in : 3677days9hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Marketing collateral veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: (Expedite)Marketing pieces for a ...
Industry: Health Logo
Contest Launched: Jul 30, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 68 concepts
Winning Design by: asifwarsi
Close Date: Aug 07, 2014

 (Expedite)Marketing pieces for a mental health program - Health

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

(Expedite)Marketing pieces for a mental health program

PEACE program services


***PEACE materials should be casual and relaxed---but professional. They shouldn't look corporate. ***The BROCHURE which is for young people or their families (or anyone else who might pick it up) should be "cool" to young people, but also professional. ***The FACT sheet is for professionals but shouldn't be hugely different from the brochure stylistically.

***-Please use the logo WITHOUT the words spelled out in the logo for the brochure. -Please use the logo WITH the words spelled out for the fact sheet. ***-Please use the colors in the logo and in the palette attached. -Please use the stock photos we've picked and attached. You don't have to use them ALL!! ***-Please see if there are any elements from the Horizon House logo and stationary that you are able to use. ***-Please try to use the fonts from the Horizon House font sheet...but just use it as a guide: if there is something you really want to use that isn't on there, just use it! :) ***-Please use the texts in the word documents that we've created for each of the pieces. Regarding location and placement of items: if you have a suggestion that's different from what we have on our sheet, please use it.

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  • August 02, 2014 8:01 PM
    PEACEproject PEACEproject
      Project Holder
    Hi Everyone! We'd really love to see each designer do both the brochure and the fact sheet so if you've only done one or the other, please consider submitting both!! Thanks!

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  • August 02, 2014 5:41 PM
    Achiver Achiver

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  • July 31, 2014 11:06 AM
    PEACEproject PEACEproject
      Project Holder
    Could you all please also include the Penn Behavioral Health logo on both the brochure and the fact sheet? It should go next to the Horizon House logo, with a line that says "PEACE is a community/academic collaboration between Horizon House and the University of Pennsylvania". see uploaded files for logo.

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