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Logo Design - Valstra Capital Inc.

Valstra Capital

Contest Holder junktopaul ?

Last Logged in : 2950days3hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo Design - Valstra Capital Inc ...
Contest Launched: Oct 17, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 663 concepts
Winning Design by: BIMPOP
Close Date: Nov 07, 2013

Logo Design - Valstra Capital Inc. - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo Design - Valstra Capital Inc.

Valstra Capital


Valstra Capital Inc. is a private lender for real estate and business financing. The primary market will be residential real estate financing, followed by commercial real estate financing and business loans. The logo should be strong, professional, easy to understand and visually appealing.

Financial Services

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Not sure but the logo should be professional and eye catching.

not sure

Our industry is finance so possible ideas are:
- creative use of initials
- a link to money (ex. unique historic coin shape, metals (gold/silver - colour or material))
- a creative word layout (colours, shape, colour swath, etc.)

Please do not let the above suggestions limit your creativity. You are the experts and you will come at this from a unique perspective that is likely to increase design possibilities. We are open to all of your ideas!

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  • October 31, 2013 9:30 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Thank you everyone for participating in our logo design competition. The quality of submissions was exceptional and we have a tough job ahead of us choosing just one winner. We will review the submissions in the coming days and notify the winning designer soon. Paul

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  • October 19, 2013 5:40 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Font style - please do not use fonts that are freehand or hand writing style as they do not fit will with the image of Valstra Capital. Thanks! Paul

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  • October 19, 2013 5:38 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Hi everyone, I am busy trying to respond to everyone's submissions so if my response is delayed rest assured that feedback will be received soon. Thanks, Paul

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  • October 18, 2013 3:46 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Please note that the Valstra Capital logo must contain a unique, brandable and professional looking graphic. We are a finance company and customers should recognize our professionalism immediately from our logo. Thanks and keep the design ideas coming!

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  • October 18, 2013 3:38 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Great submissions to date! One thing to keep in mind is that our logo will be used on stationary so the lettering used should contrast well with a white background; i.e. the text shouldn't be white. Some designs have tried to compensate by using light lettering on a black background but black backgrounds are limiting in their application and should be avoided. Thank you.

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  • October 17, 2013 6:20 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Please also refrain from deleting low ranked drafts because I use them to see the progression of your designs. If you delete them I have a very hard time visualizing how your design has evolved and which direction it is going. Thank you and don't hesitate to ask me questions with your submissions. Paul

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  • October 17, 2013 6:18 PM
    junktopaul junktopaul
      Project Holder
    Hi everyone - Thank you for the submissions already received. A few general comments: please try to use eye catching but professional colours and include a unique, stylized graphical element in the logo. Thanks and good luck!

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