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Logo For Financial Services Co.


Contest Holder cgiuffria83 ?

Last Logged in : 2619days7hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo For Financial Services Co.
Contest Launched: Oct 20, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 87 concepts
Winning Design by: validesign
Close Date: Oct 30, 2013

Logo For Financial Services Co. - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo For Financial Services Co.



This Logo will be for an asset management company/ Hedge Fund company for high net worth individuals. We will be managing our client’s portfolio for them. We are not 100% sure on what type of logo we would like. We would like to keep it very simple and classy. We really like the SKYBRIDGE logo on the PDF file below but do not limit yourself to just that type. We would like the whole logo to be in all Caps. SKYTRAIN will be above and capital (smaller) will be below it, or if you want to try it beside it that will be fine to. We would like to use a basic font with not a lot of boldness. We debated putting some sort of train in the logo possibly on a track above the logo or where you see fit. I have included two different trains that we like…the futuristic looking bullet train and the old fashioned locomotive. We might just keep it without the train all together. You could also play around with the bull in the logo if you would like. We like the basic colors in all the PDF examples below just try to limit it to 1 or 2 colors only. Thank you and good luck.

Financial Services

Logo Type
Logo Type

High Tech

see PDF file for examples, Black, Blue, Red, Dark Blue, Gold, decide

not sure

-SKYTRAIN is one word you could try to make the S and T a little larger (not much)
-the word Capital is to be included in the logo
-play around with the railroad tracks/bridge and train logo
-google train bridge to see different types of bridges

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  • October 23, 2013 2:08 PM
    blocpuzz blocpuzz
    Hi CH, thanks for the update on your logo, will send a revision when done - blocpuzz

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  • October 23, 2013 8:58 AM
    cgiuffria83 cgiuffria83
      Project Holder
    sorry i ment to put the line in the middle of the word capital -----CAPITAL-----

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  • October 23, 2013 8:58 AM
    cgiuffria83 cgiuffria83
      Project Holder
    hello everyone, thanks for all the logo designs. we have a few updates....first we would like to stick with the bullet train not the older one. we would like a realy agressive looking bullet train. also on the word "capital" we would like a line before and after it to stretch the length of the word SKYTRAIN __CAPITAL__ SORRY FOR THE BAD EXAMPLE HAHAH thanks agin

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  • October 21, 2013 2:40 PM
    cgiuffria83 cgiuffria83
      Project Holder
    We are seeing some very nice designs, not close to decided on anything. Great job everyone keep up the good work. Just a quick note, we would like the design to be very simple not very abstract. Look at the PDF at the example of Skybridge capital, there logo of the bridge is not very cluttered just a few lines we would like for the designers who have submitted train logos to try and do some trains with less lines in them. Thank you everyone again

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