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Logo for New Company

RipTide Trailers

Contest Holder riptidetrailers ?

Last Logged in : 3646days3hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


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Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for New Company
Contest Launched: Oct 21, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 71 concepts
Winning Design by: dweedeku
Close Date: Oct 28, 2014

Logo for New Company - Transportation

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for New Company

RipTide Trailers

RipTide Trailers is a new company that manufacturers aluminum trailers (boat, jet ski, utility, motorcycles, etc) Please be sure to see the correct way we want to use the name RipTide. Both capitalizing R and T


our target audience are marina, retail sales - looking for a professional approach.

We are undecided on our color scheme - the last time we gave a color scheme, a design that won our other company was completely different colors then we imagined so we are open to color suggestions. We currently have in mind the following but again we are open to designer's color ideas. Maroon, yellows, black, red, yellow, blue, white....

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  • October 27, 2014 6:11 PM
    riptidetrailers riptidetrailers
      Project Holder
    Thank you everyone for all your designs!! You have given us many options to choose from. I will be posting the winner by Tuesday Morning! We will be having a meeting to decide the winning logo tonight! But wanted to Thank each one of your for your creativeness as well as your patience.

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  • October 25, 2014 7:08 PM
    riptidetrailers riptidetrailers
      Project Holder
    Please do not get discouraged if I have eliminated your design, we are just narrowing down our choices. Please feel free to show us designs that maybe we haven't even realized we might like. We are open to suggestions.

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  • October 25, 2014 7:05 PM
    riptidetrailers riptidetrailers
      Project Holder
    We will be making our final decision on Monday.! Thank you everyone for your designs. After winning the logo we will then move forward with designing brochures, business cards, and possibly even a website. We are so excited over all the designs that everyone has submitted. We understand each design takes time to create and we are very appreciative of your creativeness! Keep up the great work.

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  • October 22, 2014 10:17 PM
    riptidetrailers riptidetrailers
      Project Holder
    Design #5 - thank you for adding a water element - heading in the right direction. Need bolder colors. Also this brand will be known world wide so can we possibly see a design with a world being engulfed by a riptide or something that encompasses a world globe in the logo. Thank you!!

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  • October 22, 2014 12:03 PM
    riptidetrailers riptidetrailers
      Project Holder
    Thank you both for submitting your designs...Designs 3 & 4 are more on the lines of what we had in mind. Also, Design #1 is not want we had envisioned, but is a unique approached - not completely disregarding it - the more I look at it the more it is growing on me! Designs 3 & 4 is close in design with a NZ company by a similar name. Though there are some differences, it might be too close. The logo will be on our Aluminum Trailers, business cards, stationery and website. We are looking for Flashy! We will be trademarking this logo so we have to be certain that it is not like any other designs out there. Since RipTide is a water element - can we see something with a water element in the design. RipTide not only builds boat trailers, but also utility trailers for contractors or for people with motorcyles, ATV, snowmobiles, and etc.

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