picture for product packaging
Popin Waffle
I need a professional drawing of a very happy male lion holding a waffle in his hand. The lion should be full of life and the size of the lion to the waffle should be 50/50. I would like to see the face and upper body of the lion and then the remaining picture would be a nice sizable waffle being held with the lions hands. The waffle is my major selling point therefore I need the picture to be crystal clear with the drawings of its details looking like a real picture. Please see link for an idea of what I am looking for at http://www.limagrain.com/innovation/product-innovation/savane-marbled-waffles,-a-new-wave/article-492/gb.html#.U7CFn2t5mSM The link shows a lion holding a waffle which is both fun and at the same time the waffle is crystal clear. Waffle details: I need the waffle to be square 3X3. Please see a picture of what I need my waffle to look like. The only difference with mine is that it should be light in color like cream color and 9 pockets instead of the 24 pockets this picture has. Please also see link for the waffle example http://www.hvd.be/en/producten/electric-waffle-irons/waffle-irons-for-brussels-waffles. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you
My packaging would be yellow so I need the lion to be yellow / brown tones. I need the waffle to have very straight lines. I also need the lines that divide the waffles to be thin and sharp (very important). Lion should be excited about the waffles.
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