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picture for product packaging

Popin Waffle

Contest Holder Deoola ?

Last Logged in : 3791days1hr ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


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Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: picture for product packaging
Industry: Food Logo
Contest Launched: Jul 05, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 40 concepts
Winning Design by: unresolve
Close Date: Jul 13, 2014

picture for product packaging - Food

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

picture for product packaging

Popin Waffle

I need a professional drawing of a very happy male lion holding a waffle in his hand. The lion should be full of life and the size of the lion to the waffle should be 50/50. I would like to see the face and upper body of the lion and then the remaining picture would be a nice sizable waffle being held with the lions hands. The waffle is my major selling point therefore I need the picture to be crystal clear with the drawings of its details looking like a real picture. Please see link for an idea of what I am looking for at,-a-new-wave/article-492/gb.html#.U7CFn2t5mSM The link shows a lion holding a waffle which is both fun and at the same time the waffle is crystal clear. Waffle details: I need the waffle to be square 3X3. Please see a picture of what I need my waffle to look like. The only difference with mine is that it should be light in color like cream color and 9 pockets instead of the 24 pockets this picture has. Please also see link for the waffle example If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you



My packaging would be yellow so I need the lion to be yellow / brown tones. I need the waffle to have very straight lines. I also need the lines that divide the waffles to be thin and sharp (very important). Lion should be excited about the waffles.

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  • July 07, 2014 5:27 PM
    Deoola Deoola
      Project Holder
    Hi Thank you for starting work on my project. You can work with coreldraw, photoshop or illustrator. It all works for me. Thanks.

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  • July 07, 2014 5:19 PM
    jupiterjett jupiterjett
    Thank you for inviting me.. ok.. i start to working on it.. i have question, because i use coreldraw to design. and your project is not a simple vector work. i need to know what file you expect to have at the end of project? is it psd/photoshop or illustrator? or maybe a cdr is just fine? because it will be difficult to convert complex cdr to adobe illustrator. but i guess i can fix it later. i think you should see my work first... and i will find a way later ^^

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