Turner Syndrome Kaleidoscope Walk (and) 2016
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Turner Syndrome Kaleidoscope Walk - Tshirt Design for 2016
Turner Syndrome Kaleidoscope Walk (and) 2016
Turner Syndrome Global Alliance is a nonprofit organization that connects science, resources, and funding to the Turner Syndrome Community, and this is our one big fundraising event. We need a fun t-shirt for our walk. Girls and women who have Turner syndrome wear one color, families and friends wear another color. The symbol for girls and women with Turner syndrome is a butterfly/butterflies. A kaleidoscope of butterflies is a group of butterflies. We have a Walk logo from last year, but do not want to limit creativity --we tried another service to build a tshirt design around the logo and it was not productive. We feel we could always put it on the back or sleeve.
T-shirts will be worn by girls and women with Turner syndrome and by family members and community members who come to the walk to support them. The shirt should be fun and attractive - we want kids, men, and women to want to wear it. Our website is www.TSGAlliance.org
Our corporate logo and Kaleidoscope logo are purple and pink shades. We do not want to resemble either of the other TS organizations tssus.org or turnersyndromefoundation.org We are open to additional colors, although printing pricing will be a consideration. We will reserve the back of the shirt for sponsor logos - last year we had our corporate logo. The Kaleidoscope Walk logo could also go there. Looking for a creative, fun, attractive design!! Definitely some kind of butterfly included.
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