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Update to railroad tunnel mural from current Fall scene to a winter scene

Snow/Winter scene

Contest Holder jmc5025 ?

Last Logged in : 476days12hrs ago

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Project: Update to railroad tunnel mural f ...
Industry: Government Logo
Contest Launched: Dec 21, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 25 concepts
Winning Design by: FuturisticDesign
Close Date: Jan 05, 2016

Update to railroad tunnel mural from current Fall scene to a winter scene - Government

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Update to railroad tunnel mural from current Fall scene to a winter scene

Snow/Winter scene


This will be on the side of an ambulance with a gold leaf outline

We are looking to change the mural that I have attached from its current fall scene to a winter or snow scene.

Winter scene

2 sides of an ambulance

Please ask if you have questions or need a higher resolution mural.



  • December 28, 2015 3:27 PM
    jmc5025 jmc5025
      Project Holder
    Can you please do the smoke and yellow light similar to design #9? Having the yellow somewhere inbetween your 9 and 10 would be best. Can you also brighten the yellow accidents around the train, again not as much as #9 however more than #9. We really like the evergreens on the top of the tunnel that design 9 has.

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  • December 28, 2015 3:09 PM
    jmc5025 jmc5025
      Project Holder
    Can you please do the smoke and yellow light similar to design #9?

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  • December 26, 2015 1:08 PM
    jmc5025 jmc5025
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the changes. We decided we like number #4 the best still. Can you please make a few changes to this. We would like the smoke to be dark gray and maybe more 3 dimensional to make it look real. The original train has yellow accidents thoughtout the train, can this be added to design #4. Can you also add a off yellow (not too bright) to he train light on the front. Please add small icicles to the tunnel. Thanks!

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  • December 25, 2015 1:32 PM
    jmc5025 jmc5025
      Project Holder
    We really like things about #4 and #2, you could please make changes to #4. We would like to see the smoke coming out of the train to be a dark gray. Can you please change the snow that was done on #4 to be more similar to #2 (blurred snow coming down). I see that there isn't much detail on the ground to the left of the train anymore. Can you make snow mounds to the left and right of the train, simulating that a previous train had push the snow to the sides? Overall it is defiantly in the direction we were thinking. Thanks

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  • December 24, 2015 7:24 AM
    Hi project holder, I can do the winter mural it has to be one on one project, not in competition mode, it takes time and money to do a painting and not to be selected means lost. I will wait to hear from you.

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