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Web Design Project

Web Design Project for

Contest Holder myforlangtutorlogo ?

Last Logged in : 3829days22hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Web Design Project
Industry: Education Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 29, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 135 concepts
Winning Design by: jogdesigner
Close Date: Dec 09, 2013

Web Design Project - Education

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Web Design Project

Web Design Project for


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Our website is mostly complete except for the homepage, footer, and a few image elements. We have uploaded several files to assist you with each. Image Design --------------------- Directions: Use the logo as reference when designing the image files. ● Design a square image for 12 languages offerings. The basic image can be the same for all images but each should contain the flag and the name of the language associated with the flag. Note that the American flag is used twice. See language_list. ● Design a square image for a language gift card. See gift_card_purchage_page. ● Design a gift card certificate. Note that the certificate has four fields (orange text). Keep those areas open and free of design elements. See certificate.png. ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg, customer_support_page, language_list, languages_selection_page, language_purchase_page, gift_card_purchage_page, certificate.png, Homepage Design --------------------- Directions: Use redlandlondon_home_page.png as a general guide in developing your design. In other words, we like its general layout/approach although you don't have to mimic it exactly. Feel free to experiment. ● The main image section will have 4 main images using the text in the file: homepage_main_image_text. Those images will change/fade. ● The panel images (below the main image) should include the 4 sets of text in the file: homepage_panel_text. ● Since we provide a service and not a product, ignore the "Our Featured Products" section. ● Use colors from our logo (which you can find in home_page.png). ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: home_page.png, redlandlondon_home_page.png, homepage_main_image_text, homepage_panel_text. Footer Design --------------------- Directions: Use redlandlondon_home_page.png as a general guide although we are open to any possibility. Not all design elements used in this footer should be included in ours. See footer_links and credit card artwork. ● See footer_links for a list of all links in the footer. ● Credit card artwork found in credit_card_icons.jpg and transfirst_icon.png ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: redlandlondon_home_page.png, footer.png, transfirst_icon.png, credit_card_icons.jpg, footer_links

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  • November 30, 2013 5:30 PM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Here's the project overview again, reformatted for readability: (1) Home page ● 4 main images w/text ● 4 panels w/text (2) Footer (3) Language designs ● 12 square designs (for 12 language offerings) ● 265 x 265 pixels ● All 12 have the same basic design except that each has a unique language and flag (4) Gift card design ● 1 square design (for 1 gift card type) ● 265 x 265 pixels ● Gift card design should have the words "Gift Card" in the Design (5) Gift card certificate design See comments below for additional details.

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  • November 30, 2013 8:37 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    NOTE: My most recent/relevant comments start at November 29, 2013 8:42 AM. ● Ignore my first comment dated November 29, 2013 8:16 AM (at bottom). ● Ignore the brief (which is the same as November 29, 2013 8:16 AM).

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  • November 30, 2013 8:35 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    ● Quick summary of the project: => Home page - 4 main images w/text - 4 panels w/text => Footer => Language designs - 12 square designs for 12 language offerings - 265 x 265 pixels => Gift card design - gift card design should differ from language design above - 265 x 265 pixels => Gift card certificate design - rectangular dimensions See detailed comments below.

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  • November 30, 2013 8:31 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Clarification comment to the language gift card design: ● Language gift card design >>> 265 x 265 pixels >>> Design should differ from language design >>> Include the words "Gift Card" in the design >>> Include the words "My Foreign Language Tutor" in the design >>> With regard to colors, see "My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg" for reference >>> Refer to screen capture "gift_card_purchage_page", to see how the image will be used on the website This comment adds to comment November 29, 2013 8:49 AM below.

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  • November 29, 2013 10:42 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    One further note regarding the Homepage Design: (1) Regarding the main image section, you might use the customer support page example (see customer_support_page.png) to guide you in the type of images we are looking for: people images (with headsets), which would indicate the tutor/instructor. Those people images should also represent different ethnic backgrounds if at all possible.

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  • November 29, 2013 9:48 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Clarifications/additions to the previous regarding the Footer Design: Directions: Use the screen capture "redlandlondon_home_page.png" as a general guide in developing your footer design. We like its general layout/approach although you don't have to follow it exactly. Feel free to experiment. (1) The screen capture "home_page.png" is our homepage and is provided for your convenience. Your design activities should be confined to the footer area beneath the orange line. (2) Not all design elements in "redlandlondon_home_page.png" (social media symbols and the newsletter area) are to be used in our footer. See the list of links in "footer_links" in "". (3) Feel free to use our credit card images, or your own if you prefer. For credit card artwork see "credit_card_icons.jpg" and "transfirst_icon.png".

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  • November 29, 2013 9:39 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Clarifications/additions to the previous regarding the Homepage Design: Directions: Use the screen capture "redlandlondon_home_page.png" as a general guide in developing your design. We like its general layout/approach although you don't have to follow it exactly. Feel free to experiment. (1) The screen capture "home_page.png" is our homepage and is provided for your convenience. Your design activities should be confined to the middle portion of the screen (between the two lines). (2) The main image section (see "redlandlondon_home_page.png") will have a total of 4 images that change every few seconds. Each image should have some unique text. See "homepage_main_image_text" in "". The text file has 4 sets of text. (3) For the area below the main image area we need to add design elements which capture certain features of our service. "redlandlondon_home_page.png" uses rectangular panels. We are open to that approach. In any case, each element should have a set of unique text. See "homepage_panel_text" in "". The text file has 4 sets of text. Design colors should be in keeping with the logo. See "My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg". (4) Since we provide a service and not a product, ignore the "Our Featured Products" section in "redlandlondon_home_page.png". (5) We have included a set of flags for the home page. This set differs from "". See "". In preliminary homepage designs, flags where used to convey the international aspect of our service. Although not absolutely necessary, see if you can include them in a way that is effective.

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  • November 29, 2013 8:56 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Correction/addition to the previous regarding the design for the gift card certificate: >>> Design a gift card certificate. Please note: (1) The certificate image should be at least the same size as the attached sample. See "certificate.png". (2) The certificate has four fields (orange text). Keep those areas open and free of design elements. (3) The certificate note text (at the bottom of the certificate) can be found in "". Note: The design should be in keeping with the logo. See "My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg".

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  • November 29, 2013 8:49 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Correction/addition to the previous regarding the design for the language gift card: >>> Design a square image for a language gift card. The basic image should contain: (1) the phrase "My Foreign Language Tutor" (2) the label "Gift Card" Note: The design should be in keeping with the logo. See "My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg". Note: Image dimensions should be square. Note: Final use size will be at least 265 pixels. >>> Refer to screen capture "gift_card_purchage_page", to see how the image will be used on the website.

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  • November 29, 2013 8:42 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Correction/addition to the previous regarding the design for 12 languages: >>> Design a square image for 12 languages/offerings. The basic image can be the same for all languages but each image should contain three things: (1) The phrase "My Foreign Language Tutor" (2) A unique flag image, for example, Chinese flag. See "". (3) A unique language name, for example, Chinese. See "language_list" in "". Note: The design should be in keeping with the logo. See "My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg". Note: The American flag is used twice, once for "English" and once for "English for Spanish Speakers". Note: Image dimensions should be square. Note: Final use size will be at least 265 pixels. >>> Refer to screen captures "shop languages page.png", "languages_selection_page" and "language_purchase_page" to see how the images will be used on the website.

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  • November 29, 2013 8:16 AM
    myforlangtutorlogo myforlangtutorlogo
      Project Holder
    Detailed Project Instructions Our website is mostly complete except for the homepage, footer, and a few image elements. We have uploaded several files to assist you with each. Image Design --------------------- Directions: Use the logo as reference when designing the image files. ● Design a square image for 12 languages offerings. The basic image can be the same for all images but each should contain the flag and the name of the language associated with the flag. Note that the American flag is used twice. See language_list. ● Design a square image for a language gift card. See gift_card_purchage_page. ● Design a gift card certificate. Note that the certificate has four fields (orange text). Keep those areas open and free of design elements. See certificate.png and certificate ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: My-Foreign-Language-Tutor_logo.jpg, customer_support_page, language_list, languages_selection_page, language_purchase_page, gift_card_purchage_page, certificate.png, Homepage Design --------------------- Directions: Use redlandlondon_home_page.png as a general guide in developing your design. In other words, we like its general layout/approach although you don't have to mimic it exactly. Feel free to experiment. ● The main image section will have 4 main images using the text in the file: homepage_main_image_text. Those images will change/fade. ● The panel images (below the main image) should include the 4 sets of text in the file: homepage_panel_text. ● Since we provide a service and not a product, ignore the "Our Featured Products" section. ● Use colors from our logo (which you can find in home_page.png). ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: home_page.png, redlandlondon_home_page.png, homepage_main_image_text, homepage_panel_text. Footer Design --------------------- Directions: Use redlandlondon_home_page.png as a general guide although we are open to any possibility. Not all design elements used in this footer should be included in ours. See footer_links and credit card artwork. ● See footer_links for a list of all links in the footer. ● Credit card artwork found in credit_card_icons.jpg and transfirst_icon.png ● Feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions. Attached files: redlandlondon_home_page.png, footer.png, transfirst_icon.png, credit_card_icons.jpg, footer_links

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