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Window Wrap advertising for Insurance Agency

Custom Insurance Solutions

Contest Holder bruiserw13 ?

Last Logged in : 1569days4hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Window Wrap advertising for Insur ...
Contest Launched: Oct 27, 2016
Selected: 1 winning design from 103 concepts
Winning Design by: pivotal
Close Date: Nov 06, 2016

Window Wrap advertising for Insurance Agency - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Window Wrap advertising for Insurance Agency

Custom Insurance Solutions

We are an insurance agency specializing in Auto, Home, Life and Business insurance and we are looking to update the graphics and messaging of some window wraps that we have on our building. We currently have 6 windows wrapped but are now wanting to wrap a total of 8 windows. they are of various sizes, so I am providing an .ai file with the appropriately sized artboards to make things a little easier. The .ai file will also show you what our previous wraps looked like. We do not like anything about our old design, so please do not rely too heavily on it. The windows that these wraps will go on are facing a fairly busy street and we want some messaging on these wraps that will entice potential clients to come in or call us to get insurance quotes. Walk-ins are welcome at our office. We really want to see ideas that are eye-catching, and have a great call to action.

Financial Services

All members of the public who drive cars, own homes, own businesses or need life insurance ( which is to say, almost everyone.)

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  • October 29, 2016 4:10 PM
    Achiver Achiver
    Hello why you make it unvield? Please make it veild again so that other designer can not see our designs, this is very simportant so that we assure that no one copy other ideas. And please also provide text content for each window. Thanks

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  • October 29, 2016 11:21 AM
    bruiserw13 bruiserw13
      Project Holder
    Hello designers, Thank you for your submissions. I would like to clarify a few things. First of all, there are a total of 8 windows... In the ai file that I attached, there are 8 art boards. Although there are 3 blank art boards, we need all 8 to be designed. Second, we HATE our current window designs. Please do not use any of the design cues from the current windows. The only logo that we want included somewhere is our own logo which I have also attached. I'd like to reiterate that we want to see eye catching designs that will help draw in traffic. And text on the windows needs to be fairly large so that it can bee seen from the street. If you have questions, please feel free to send me a message. Thanks again for your designs.

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