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business logo for Living Sublime Wellness: Health and Wellness Coaching business

Living Sublime Wellness: Health and Wellness Coaching; Elizabeth "Coach" Scala

Contest Holder escala1 ?

Last Logged in : 4747days23hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: business logo for Living Sublime ...
Industry: Health Logo
Contest Launched: Jun 02, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 67 concepts
Winning Design by: OriginalMoi
Close Date: Jun 09, 2011

business logo for Living Sublime Wellness: Health and Wellness Coaching business - Health

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

business logo for Living Sublime Wellness: Health and Wellness Coaching business

Living Sublime Wellness: Health and Wellness Coaching; Elizabeth "Coach" Scala


This is health and wellness coaching business. I am coaching individuals on anything that pertains to their wellbeing; stress, energy, fitness, mental/emotional, nutrition, whatever are of improvment and growth the person would like to work on. It is guiding them to their ideal self and vision of their wellness. It is not telling them what to do or prescribing to them. I see this as a growth, change, and improvement for them; anagolous to a butterfly evolving from a cocoon. It is a metamorphisis for the person to change and grow. This business is able to coach anyone but specifically coaching to healthcare professionals like nurses. I will coach nurses one on one but also in groups. or search Living Sublime Wellness on Facebook. I have a website but it is not posted yet. Let me know if you really need to see that as I can publish it if need be.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


maybe orangeish and teal or something bright and contrasting. at first i wanted all the colors of the rainbow to show the colors of the chakra energy centers, but i know now that too many colors are maybe not the best thing, but if there was a way to put that in may be great. check out chakras or energy centers and you will see what I mean. At first i wanted that, now not sure, but would maybe like to have it in there...

not sure

my initial thoughts were to have a butterfly somehow on the logo- but I do not want to portray "outside" on the logo but I wanted to portray change/metamorphasis. I also thought of maybe having a sun on the logo with the chakra colors coming out as the rays of the sun, but not sure how that would look.

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  • June 07, 2011 9:12 AM
    escala1 escala1
      Project Holder
    I like the ring added around #39. I am not sure how I feel about the double butterfly versus the single. I will have to look more at it. I still like the older butterfly such as in 28 but I am intrigued by this new one.

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  • June 06, 2011 12:55 PM
    escala1 escala1
      Project Holder
    I like #22's idea with the circle. Interesting. Is there any way to make the words be upright on the whole thing? and maybe the health and wellness H and W in caps? Thanks!!

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  • June 06, 2011 11:54 AM
    escala1 escala1
      Project Holder
    Can I pose a question out there? I was thinking, what would you automatically think of when you hear the term "Living Sublime Wellness?" What would you think of when you hear a health and wellness coaching business? Can you make a logo that would be just from your thoughts and visions? I mean I know I keep saying butterfly, sun, etc- but is that too outdoorsy? Does it drum up thoughts of the outside wildlife? So if you want- anyone- just go ahead and post one that is just what you would think of this sort of business line. Thanks!!

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  • June 06, 2011 8:05 AM
    escala1 escala1
      Project Holder
    Now I do like #16's graphic, but I do not like the font. I am not sure if it is too big, too bubbly, or what. I want it sharper- simple, sophisticated. I like the font in # 15 for "living sublime wellness" but not the font underneath it- or maybe the "Health and Wellness Coaching" needs to be capitalized. I do not like the font in #14.

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