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Logo for a buisness who digs/pours footings, lays brick/block foundations and finishes concrete

DHM Crete Masters, Inc. (not sure if it needs to be in design but that's the name of company

Contest Holder DHM1st ?

Last Logged in : 1756days2hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a buisness who digs/pour ...
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Oct 28, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 183 concepts
Winning Design by: Filter
Close Date: Nov 07, 2013

Logo for a buisness who digs/pours footings, lays brick/block foundations and finishes concrete  - Construction

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for a buisness who digs/pours footings, lays brick/block foundations and finishes concrete

DHM Crete Masters, Inc. (not sure if it needs to be in design but that's the name of company

Need help with a tagline - something short but catchy


The logo should convey to the potential customers that we start the project literally from the ground and go up until the concrete foundation is finished and ready for framers....and that we then go back near completion of project to put the porch/patio/sidewalk/driveways in.


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark




well since everything we do deals with concrete in some form, grey should definitely be a color but then we need a color or two that contrasts with it to make it stand decide but something in the blue family comes to, etc.

not sure

I like a logo I saw on your website that was for another concrete business that showed the roofline of a house with the concrete slab beneath it but since we do footings and brick/block foundations we would have to somehow incorporate that into it....that's all the suggestions/ideas I have

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  • November 06, 2013 11:59 PM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder
    We are nearing the end of the project and have got to choose a winner! Let's see what we have in the morning! Good job everybody!

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  • October 30, 2013 10:25 PM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder
    I also want "A Foundation Built on Integrity" or An Integrity of Foundation as a tagline with the logo

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  • October 28, 2013 10:26 PM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder This is the logo I've seen that I like...can we do something similar with out own twist?

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  • October 28, 2013 10:20 PM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder
    What about making the letters of the company - DHM look like they are in concrete and/or stamped concrete. Or maybe even, the DHM sitting boldly on top of a concrete foundation and somehow incorporate Crete Masters, Inc, in the slab??? Just some thoughts. I like Á Foundation Built on Integrity. or An Integrity of Foundation 12 years strong. something like that????? I don't know...just trying to help! THanks!

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  • October 28, 2013 10:37 AM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder
    On the most recent design (#4) looks too much like a highway/road. We work in residential construction and I want a logo that incorporates all that we do...dig/pour footings, lay brick/block masonry foundations and place/finish concrete slab foundations, porches, patios, sidewalks and driveways.

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  • October 28, 2013 8:40 AM
    DHM1st DHM1st
      Project Holder
    Of the three designs I like Draft #1 best. However, I was really looking for some kind of artwork in the design to reflect what we do...dig/pour footings, lay brick/block foundations, pour and finish concrete slab foundations, patios/sidewalks/porches and driveways. Thanks!

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