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Logo for a family company in Japan


Contest Holder solarist1 ?

Last Logged in : 3980days4hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a family company in Japa ...
Industry: Miscellaneous Logo
Contest Launched: Dec 31, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 622 concepts
Winning Design by: irdiya
Close Date: Jan 22, 2014

Logo for a family company in Japan  - Miscellaneous

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for a family company in Japan



Image of sun and perhaps universe or planets.
International design (not only Japan).

Small family company with miscellaneous activities including:
- Running international aikido (Japanese martial art) seminars.
- Apartment design and rental.
- Vegetarian café.
- Accounting and legal services.




Colour(s) evoking sun/universe. Possibly also metallic (gold)?

not sure

Simple logo that gives a good first impression.

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  • January 21, 2014 5:53 PM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    We have come to the end of the design project and I want to sincerely thank all the designers who came up with such interesting and strong designs. There were so many good designs, even many that didn't make it to the top 10 but that we liked. Here are the designers who we thought gave us excellent professional designs - all of them were great. I can recommend all of these designers as producing great work and I will recommend them whenever I have a chance to anyone who needs high quality design work. The top group were in the top 10 designs but it was so difficult to choose - they all had imaginative ideas and great design sense. Thank you all so much. alami GabrielRenaldi falconisty StartArts irdiya JackHmill LongliveUS JohnAlber LogoXpert JoseLuiz IsbieDesign jasmen bestdesigner farazalam AKHTARSALEEM goodlogo drdre aleeshan But there can only be one winner and the designer who came up with the best design decided by a vote in our company was irdiya. So congratulations to irdiya and thank you again to all of you.

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  • January 14, 2014 6:11 PM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    One designer said that the instructions might be confusing so we will clarify things once more for the last few hours. We have seen some great logos and some of the fonts match well too now. The sun is normally yellow and the sky is normally light blue so we wanted to see those colour combinations if possible. It is not a requirement and some designs don't suit those colours or that concept. That's OK. Please have confidence in your own designs. Finally we will choose the design that best matches our personal idea of our company's image. After the contest closes we will choose a top 10 and then a top 3 before selecting the final winner in the next few days. Thank you again to everybody for the great designs. solarist1

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  • January 14, 2014 6:42 AM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    Now it is the final day. Thank you for the great logos. One last request as we move towards a decision - if possible we also want to see your logo design as white letters in a light blue rectangle (or other shape you decide). The rectangle should be part of the logo not just a background color. If you don't think it suits your logo you don't need to do this. Thanks for doing this last step. We are very impressed with some of these cool designs. solarist1

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  • January 12, 2014 5:13 AM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    We have decided to open the contest for 3 more days. Thank you for all the great submissions so far. However many of the designs could not be used as they are. The reason is there are some great logos but there are some problems with the fonts. So these are our requests for the font style: 1. All the letters of solarist including the first S should be in lower case = small letters, not capitals. 2. The font should be modern and probably sans-serif. One suggestion is Century Gothic but that is only a guideline - any modern font that suits the design is fine. 3. The font should be quite fine or light or delicate. Some of the designs are great but the font is too heavy. 4. Also the letters should not be too close together. Again some of the designs have letters too close together. If you have any questions please ask. Thanks again for the great designs and we are looking forward to getting some more. Even if your design was eliminated please feel free to resubmit a design with the above specifications. Many designs were eliminated only because they were in upper case (capital) letters. Thank you. Regards, solarist1

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  • January 11, 2014 6:03 AM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    Thank you to everyone for the great designs. We are now in the final selection stages. We have asked for a few small changes from a couple of designers for example in font before making our final selection. Tomorrow we hope to choose the finalists. Finalists will be selected from designs with 5 stars. Thanks again for the great work. solarist1

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  • January 04, 2014 8:01 PM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    From today we will start to eliminate some of the designs. This is not a reflection of the quality. Some of them are very cool. But to make the final choice easier we shall be limiting selection to the designs which we think catch our own image of our company. Thank you very much to the designers who made these designs for your ideas and your work.

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  • January 04, 2014 9:56 AM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    We have seen the next batch of designs and they are also very professional. Thank you. At the moment we have about 10 designs which are serious contenders. We would like to say that we are very impressed by the high standard of all the designs. #4 Just to repeat our request: is it possible to use lower case letters please? Thank you. #14 is it possible to use a more delicate font with this design? Thanks. #20 is simple and direct and uses the sun image cleverly. Is it possible to make the initial s of solarist the same size as the rest of the word? Thanks. #27 hits the theme of the universe very well. #28 is excellent and uses lower case letters as we asked. Might a more delicate font be better (the same as #29 or #30 maybe?). Also the use of colour in the font of #1 was an attractive feature and we wonder if you could do something similar with this design. Thank you! #29 uses 3D very powerfully. In #30 we like the asymmetry. #31 is an excellent modern design with an effective metallic effect. #38 has a unique and striking use of the font. Thanks again for these great designs.

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  • January 03, 2014 12:39 PM
    solarist1 solarist1
      Project Holder
    We are now looking at the first few designs. Thank you very much. They are very good. We have one general comment so far. The company name "solarist" should be in lower case letters if that is compatible with the design. Sorry if that wasn't sufficiently clear. Thanks. We can already say that we are especially impressed by #1, #4 and #14. #1 is unusual and delicate. Is it possible to use lower case letters please? #4 has incorporated the sun image, the S and the Asian tomoe motif in an interesting way. Is it possible to use lower case letters please? #14 has captured a metallic feel and also used lower case letters. Of the others we also liked #10 and #16. #10 is amusing. It incorporates the logo as the o of solarist which is interesting. Is it possible to use lower case letters for these letters please? #16 is unusal and interesting. Again, is it possible to use lower case letters please? Thanks to everyone so far.

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