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Logo for Virtual Reality Gaming Company

XD Ride

Contest Holder wmoody ?

Last Logged in : 2421days10hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Virtual Reality Gaming C ...
Industry: Games Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 28, 2017
Selected: 1 winning design from 542 concepts
Winning Design by: nesgraphix
Close Date: Apr 10, 2017

Logo for Virtual Reality Gaming Company - Games

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for Virtual Reality Gaming Company

XD Ride

a Virtual Adventure


Cutting edge virtual reality game. Exciting, cool, high tech, interactive, fun. Fight zombies, robots, aliens or werewolves in an immersive 7D world.

This is the manufacturer's website:

XD Ride is: State-of-the-art theatre combines stunning visual effects and sound technology, while creating the sensations of falling, jumping and crashing in one thrilling attraction ride. Riders compete for the high score by shooting at the on-screen enemies using laser blasters with our high precision, pixel-perfect targeting system. Immerse yourself in a thrilling 7D interactive movie featuring stunning 3D graphics, amazing special effects including weather and lighting effects, rapid motion seats and highly responsive competitive scoring.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0

High Tech

Be creative...we are open to designer's views on color.

not sure

Our target market are 10-24 year olds that want to ride our 4 minute interactive movie. Cost is $8-12 USD per ride. It is for amusement and an impulse purchase. Located in malls, tourist piers, amusement park areas around the world.

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  • April 02, 2017 9:37 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    By the way, do not include a cross hair / target / gun site.

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  • April 02, 2017 9:35 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    Thank you all. We have enough concepts based upon earlier feedback. Some of which would work great and we are treating as "finalists". However, some members of our team (about 50%) would like to see some logos in a completely different direction. We would like to see some submissions with the following characteristics: - Black background - A glowing effect on the letters; like a haze or glow from a flame or light shining through - Crisp, thinner letters (vs the thicker letters we see on these designs) - Look at the Nintendo game Legend of Zelda letters for inspiration

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  • April 01, 2017 9:26 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    Good designs. A few general comments: - Need XD and Ride to be in bigger letters (or at least the same size)...helps customers know what XD is when it is paired with Ride - Put "a Virtual Adventure" tagline with Logo - Please submit in multiple colors...we will likely use different color lights for the logo... - Some of the aspects we have liked from designers so far: the laser blaster beam, target / cross hairs / gun site - Go to Triotech website for more XD Dark Ride or Triotech

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  • April 01, 2017 9:26 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    Good designs. A few general comments: - Need XD and Ride to be in bigger letters (or at least the same size)...helps customers know what XD is when it is paired with Ride - Put "a Virtual Adventure" tagline with Logo - Please submit in multiple colors...we will likely use different color lights for the logo... - Some of the aspects we have liked from designers so far: the laser blaster beam, target / cross hairs / gun site - Go to Triotech website for more XD Dark Ride or Triotech

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  • April 01, 2017 9:25 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    Good designs. A few general comments: - Need XD and Ride to be in bigger letters (or at least the same size)...helps customers know what XD is when it is paired with Ride - Put "a Virtual Adventure" tagline with Logo - Please submit in multiple colors...we will likely use different color lights for the logo... - Some of the aspects we have liked from designers so far: the laser blaster beam, target / cross hairs / gun site - Go to Triotech website for more XD Dark Ride or Triotech

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  • April 01, 2017 9:24 PM
    wmoody wmoody
      Project Holder
    Good designs. A few general comments: - Need XD and Ride to be in bigger letters (or at least the same size)...helps customers know what XD is when it is paired with Ride - Put "a Virtual Adventure" tagline with Logo - Please submit in multiple colors...we will likely use different color lights for the logo... - Some of the aspects we have liked from designers so far: the laser blaster beam, target / cross hairs / gun site - Go to Triotech website for more XD Dark Ride or Triotech

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  • March 30, 2017 6:51 AM
    marux marux
    You might consider turning this into a veiled contest. Have a nice day!

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