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The Risk Advisor Institute Banner Display

Banner for Speaking Events/Back of Room Sales

Contest Holder RiskAdvisorInstitute ?

Last Logged in : 3434days13hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: The Risk Advisor Institute Banner ...
Contest Launched: Dec 04, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 20 concepts
Winning Design by: Achiver
Close Date: Dec 18, 2014

The Risk Advisor Institute Banner Display - Corporate Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

The Risk Advisor Institute Banner Display

Banner for Speaking Events/Back of Room Sales

Bill Whitley is the president of The Risk Advisor Institute ( He frequently speaks to large groups of Insurance Agents (State Farm, Allstate, Farm Bureau, Nationwide, etc) about his program called The Eight Secrets of Top Performing Agents. The program is designed to help agents move from 'order takers/quoters' to 'trusted advisors.' After he gives his presentation, he makes an offer to the agents: Sign up for the Eight Secrets Mastermind Group for at least one month ($51.95/month) and we will give you the Eight Secrets Team Training Package (Hardcover Book, Audio CD, DVD, and Desktop Sign $127) for Free and a Private One-On-One Coaching Call with Bill Whitley ($97) for Free. We look at the Team Training Package as being the Foundation, the concepts that you must know in order to implement. We look at the Mastermind Group as the Practice, the implementations piece. It is inspirational, educational, and a booster station for agents to tailor the concepts directly to the agency, maintain energy with the program, and get their team implementing. (See to see the Training Package, Mastermind Group, and Coaching). We want some working around the Mastermind Group being the perfect way to move from 'order taker' to 'trusted advisor.' We would also like some wording about the program being a Booster Station to keep you motivated and on track (Like a hot wheels booster station that keeps the cars going around the track).

Corporate Services

Multi-Line Insurance Agents. The events are either corporate sponsored, the agents' managers or training leaders are hosting the conferences, association sponsored or Agent hosted. We are selling to the individual agents.

Banner should be 28 1/4" x 31" Include colors and designs from website Include Logo (Risk Advisor Institute) Include Bill Whitley's Picture Include pictures of Team Training Package and Mastermind Group Package

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