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USB book style stick design and packaging

Plastic USB book

Contest Holder 15Degrees ?

Last Logged in : 3845days8hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


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Project Finalized

Project: USB book style stick design and p ...
Industry: Marketing Logo
Contest Launched: Dec 02, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 10 concepts
Winning Design by: asifwarsi
Close Date: Dec 31, 2013

USB book style stick design and packaging - Marketing

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

USB book style stick design and packaging

Plastic USB book

Hi I need the following designing by you please. My existing company logo onto a USB style book A package/box to put 12 of these USB books into The logo and course name to be on the box The course name to be on each book 1. My existing logo and a course name onto a USB stick 2. The USB is in a book shape and is made of plastic 3. The USB stick can be any colour as the base material 4. I need 12 of these USB books to be in a package so each month when a customer recieves a new one he can stack it in the package and so collect all 12. I will send out the first one with the box/package to collect them in. 5. It would look good if the books are stacked with their spines up. 6. The company name is 15Degrees-North 7. The course name is InternetWealth-Masterclass Cheers


Customers subscribe to a course that is delivered in 12 modules Each module is shipped via a USB book Each book is collected in a cusotmer package

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  • December 09, 2013 1:39 PM
    15Degrees 15Degrees
      Project Holder
    To give you some more direction InternetWealth-Masterclass is a 12 monthly module course teaching you how to setup and run an internet based business.

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  • December 09, 2013 1:38 PM
    15Degrees 15Degrees
      Project Holder
    Hi Guys This si the link to the new site design and new logo. Sorry it has taken so long. I am going to increase the duration. Cheers Mark

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