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Verticle Leap Logo

Verticle Leap

Contest Holder verticleleap ?

Last Logged in : 3969days5hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Verticle Leap Logo
Industry: Marketing Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 03, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 44 concepts
Winning Design by: irdiya
Close Date: Mar 12, 2014

Verticle Leap Logo - Marketing

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Verticle Leap Logo

Verticle Leap

Measure Up.


The name is a play on words. A verticle is an adjective for vertex or a mathematical concept where lines intersect to form a point in a geometrical shape. So, it represents convergence. When synergies form a convergence, the result is often a leap forward or up. Please study the concept before attempting to represent it.


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


High Tech

Blues and grays are great. But, this is not set in stone, by any stretch. I am open to various options.

not sure

Of the logos above, Audi and Sun are two favorites. I would like to have the graphical elements tie into the text if possible. I can envision something maybe with the V or the two L characters in the middle, but this is open, as well. We are a marketing consultancy, with a strong technical expertise, so we help companies pull together the technical aspects of their marketing such as setting up analytics and finding problems they may have. We also provide web development, SEO, PPC management, and a host of other services. We are a new company, and this will be our first step toward visual identity.

We like to think of ourselves as technical marketing experts.

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  • March 04, 2014 9:32 PM
    verticleleap verticleleap
      Project Holder
    I am hoping to have a element of upward motion in the logo design, that is expressive or an element of intersection, synergy, progress or an element of growth or change. I like the idea of connections that lead to results. All who are in business have one common and often pure goal and that is to profit so that they can stay in business. So, the idea of a leap is one where I help my client bring together what they need from a broader marketing perspective or to make the connections between channels, technologies and their clients or customers. I often think of what I do as acting as a bridge to the right audience or a the person who creates the intersection of people to technology at the right place and right time. Much of my work is analytical, and in the analysis I begin to find the elements to connect, and continue to measure those connections to insure that they are performing as expected. The path is always up when it moves toward greater things. My work is really about people at the end of the day. A human element in the design would be welcome, but is not necessarily and expectation. The possibilities are many, but I really like the idea of having the text of the name go beyond just being a font, to something more expressive of what I do. That doesn't mean other graphical elements are not welcome. The are indeed welcome as long as they are fluid within the design and play an integral role. For some reason the creative brief notes that I am looking for the initials to be used and while this is perfectly fine, I do not want to have ideas limited to that either. So, please do what you feel is brilliant. I don't care about the details, so much. If it's genius, it's genius. I'd rather have something fantastic because the artist feels no limitations.

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