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Website for an English language academy

The English Academy KSA

Contest Holder alsemery ?

Last Logged in : 2468days13hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Project Finalized

Project: Website for an English language a ...
Industry: Education Logo
Contest Launched: Sep 05, 2017
Selected: 1 winning design from 113 concepts
Winning Design by: FuturisticDesign
Close Date: Sep 20, 2017

Website for an English language academy  - Education

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Website for an English language academy

The English Academy KSA


This website design will represent a professional & exciting English language Academy. The academy provides services from tutoring to extensive English language courses for adults & students 10 years & above. Courses include: - Business English courses - English for beginners - Advanced learners - Academic writing - TOEFL & IELTS prep courses. When people see my website I want them to feel they will receive quality learning, with professionals that will tend to all of their learning needs, plus the experience will be beneficial & enjoyable. Here are some sites which are similar to my field that you can use as inspiration:

I dislike a complicated website with too much content on it which distorts the users & could repel them.. I like an organized & user friendly website that refreshing to look at & is always updating with news & promos




not sure

below header

Preferred colors: I like blue, green & white, black & gold are also nice, other colors are welcomed too, in general I prefer bright colors, but in a professional setting you usually see darker colors, so lets see what our brilliant team of designers come up with, I don't want to restrict the designers so i'll let them use their imagination. I liked the sample sites I provided for various reasons: - professional look - design & colors - simplicity of design - Unique & creative - friendly & exciting. I'm not sure about fonts I want to use, but once we begin I'll let you know. All the best !

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  • September 20, 2017 2:41 AM
    alsemery alsemery
      Project Holder
    Good day designers! I really want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, you have done tremendous work & it wasn't an easy task to choose a winner among all tho beautiful & creative designs you submitted. Each & every designer had features that the other one didn't have which made choosing so difficult, but there can only be one winner, so please forgive me. & trust me you are ALL winners, you have the creativeness & smarts that will make you winners each & every time. I have gained so much from this project & there are future projects in mind, luckily now I know who to invite to these projects ! I wish you all the best of everything !

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  • September 12, 2017 10:49 AM
    alsemery alsemery
      Project Holder
    Good day wonderful designers ! We're here in the final hours, & i'm really amazed with all the great concepts, the pizzazz in all of your designs just makes me feel good about the outcome of this competition! Unfortunately, now it all comes down to the best design which are all great. So I'm really going to have a hard time choosing, but it has to be done, & I really wish I can pick more than one winner! Good luck to all the designers & I can't thank you enough! :)

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  • September 09, 2017 3:01 PM
    alsemery alsemery
      Project Holder
    Good day designers ! Great work everyone, sorry to have kept you waiting for feedback. As you may know i have been ill. I have been reviewing many concepts for the past few hours & it's been very tedious work to choose the elements I liked from the many variations you have provided. Having said that, feedback will be given within the next few hours to everyone & hopefully we can make this project the best one ever ! Thank you all .

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