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Website Redesign for Airport Nail Salon

Website Redesign for Airport Nail Salon

Contest Holder pdgowens ?

Last Logged in : 3431days11hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Complete Web Design Solution veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

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Project Finalized

Project: Website Redesign for Airport Nail ...
Industry: Personal Care Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 07, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 43 concepts
Winning Design by: jogdesigner
Close Date: Nov 22, 2014

Website Redesign for Airport Nail Salon - Personal Care

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Website Redesign for Airport Nail Salon

Website Redesign for Airport Nail Salon

Personal Care

Nashville Nails and Salon Services by NaSah’s was established in 1998 by Angela Mitchell Hill. Angela quickly became well known all across Nashville as the “NaSah’s” brand rose to prominence as the go-to nail salon with two locations. Seeking an opportunity for expansion, Angela received the chance to provide nail care within the Nashville International Airport and opened a new location there - Nashville Nails and Salon Services by NaSah’s - closing both locations of “NaSah’s” shortly after. With the 10th anniversary of the airport location, Angela is seeking to re-brand the business with new creative developments to include web, photo and video elements. She is very passionate about education, mentoring and professional development within the industry. Included in the re-brand will be a recruiting campaign to identify and train new talent to support the current location and determine the feasibility for a second location. She is firmly dedicated to growing her business and helping other small business owners. As an expert in the industry, Angela is poised to take on speaking/teaching engagements, host events and forge partnerships that expand the brand and contribute to the evolution of nails and beauty.

Likes: clean soft informative Dislikes: screaming media flash



dark red


below header

As part of the re-brand for this airport nail salon, the owner's personal brand will also be positioned as an expert in the nail/beauty industry. There should be page on the site that serves as a landing page for an e-book she will release called "10 Ways To Nail It" - a 10-tip guide for helping women win at business. The page should allow visitors to see the cover and a summary of the book, enter their name, email address and zip, and then receive a download of the book. The design of the website will guide the design of the e-book which will be done in-house.

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  • November 20, 2014 3:56 PM
    farmarketing farmarketing
    Thank you so much for your consideration. You have a great logo design, and I hope to see your site up and running soon! Thanks again!

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  • November 11, 2014 9:50 AM
    KnedKelly KnedKelly
    As it is obvious that this logo will be very suitable foe you

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