10 Times Custom Logo Design Trumps Logo Maker For Small Business Owners
The comparison is stark between logo maker and custom logo design and the two have a history of feuds. Entrepreneurs from each camp will go to extremes to justify their side. However, from a much neutral perspective custom logo design is certainly working out in favor of small business owners of the digital age. We will present to you the reality of logo maker vs. custom logo design through illustrations. But before that a million dollar question is: Why are the two at the opposing ends? Let’s get some answers.
The logo maker has this amazing feature that allows business owners to create logo design without professional help whereas, getting custom logo designed requires hiring a professional designer. Irrespective of their pros and cons, small business owners have preferred both means to get their brand identity designed. However, recent years have seen a shift in preferences. While free logo maker or DIY logo techniques appear to be a quick fix, less costly and tempting, small business owners are now opting it out. They are either convinced about the downside of using a logo maker or they want their brand to appear authentic and go places.
Custom Logo Vs Logo Maker
A design crafted from a logo maker cannot be copyrighted because the elements and symbols are created for the masses. However, in the process quality often gets compromised because without professional help some important mistakes go unnoticed. Besides a logo maker can never really provide a distinctive brand identity because several people use the same symbols and icons to create their logo design.
For the creation of a custom logo, the design brief is discussed in advance so that the business owner is on the same page with the professional designer. A custom logo design can be copyrighted and it limits the chances of your design getting copied. Eventually, the logo design crafted by a professional hire will not just be a quality product but will also reflect your business ethos plus the target audience.
Here are the 10 reasons illustrated why custom logos have a clear edge over DIY logos.
In the quest to get the perfect logo designed, a business owner considers several factors. They have to keep in view the sources available to them and what design works best for their industry. Several platforms offer DIY logo maker opportunities that helps start-ups get an idea about the kind of designs that exist in the market. On a side note, this practice enables them to get a working logo design at a fraction of a cost of a custom logo.
Sometimes an entrepreneur just wishes to test the waters with a lean startup, then in that case spending lavishly on the brand identity in the testing phase does not makes sense. While there are pros and cons to both custom logo design and logo maker, the business owner would choose a method depending on its financial stability.
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