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2014 New England PrayerFest

2014 New England PrayerFest

Contest Holder revrob ?

Last Logged in : 3041days4hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Project Finalized

Project: 2014 New England PrayerFest
Contest Launched: Aug 20, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 49 concepts
Winning Design by: 441984
Close Date: Aug 27, 2014

2014 New England PrayerFest - Religion and Spirituality

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

2014 New England PrayerFest

2014 New England PrayerFest

The 2014 New England PrayerFest will be held on Friday September 26, 2014. Churches will gather and pray for our city, region, and the nation. Prayer and Worship are the key elements of this all day event. Over 1,000 people will attend.

Religion and Spirituality

New England Churches, Christians, Government Officials, Young, Older, Families, Children, Schools

Different Colors schemes, crowd of people praying, city background, various ethnic groups represented. I also have the flyer available for the designers.

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  • August 22, 2014 6:43 PM
    revrob revrob
      Project Holder
    #8 Please remove times and date. New England PrayerFest 2014 and Why Not Us? Why Not Now? should be on all designs.

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  • August 22, 2014 9:12 AM
    SandyNurry SandyNurry
    Sir yes sir! will submitt soon. thanks.

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  • August 22, 2014 9:00 AM
    revrob revrob
      Project Holder
    #3 and #4 those are good ideas, please show one with a crowd of people praying. Thanks.

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  • August 21, 2014 7:18 AM
    revrob revrob
      Project Holder
    This is a reminder that this is for a T-shirt design. Our postcards and poster have already been designed. Do not put times on the design. They key wording should be: 2014 New England PrayerFest and Why Not Us? Why Not Now? Do not use the words: You're Invited

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