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Michigan Concrete Association 33.5"x 86" Display banner

Michigan Concrete Association

Contest Holder hmsmith ?

Last Logged in : 3734days10hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Project Finalized

Project: Michigan Concrete Association 33. ...
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Apr 01, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 52 concepts
Winning Design by: destudio
Close Date: Apr 13, 2014

Michigan Concrete Association 33.5"x 86" Display banner - Construction

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Michigan Concrete Association 33.5"x 86" Display banner

Michigan Concrete Association


Our member companies which include concrete producers, concrete pavers, cement companies, concrete contractors, engineering firms, suppliers & product manufacturers. We also work a lot with the Michigan Department of Transportation and local road agencies (cites, villages, counties)

the MCA logo must be used. It can be found on our website at You can find our primary objectives (which may be some good text to use in the banner itself) on our website at: Also, you can get a really good idea of who we and what we do for our members by going to our website at Our colors are blue and white, I would like to see color incorporated into our banner, but the primary color scheme must remain blue & white. We are in direct contrast to the asphalt industry, so using a lot of black or yellow is highly discouraged.

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  • April 04, 2014 8:24 AM
    hmsmith hmsmith
      Project Holder
    VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ TO ALL DESIGNERS: First of all Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far! After reviewing all designs submitted we have narrowed down what exactly we want the banner to say. As far as design/photos that is still up to you. At the top of the banner: Protect the environment use concrete Then the Michigan Concrete Logo Then in the middle/eye level of the banner going down: Your Concrete Resource Assist Educate Train Advance Toward the bottom of the banner Growing & Maintaining a healthy concrete industry Website & Contact information

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  • April 03, 2014 8:12 AM
    hmsmith hmsmith
      Project Holder
    If you are going to use photographs, we do not like the stock photos of people, or the one from the website with the hard hats. The designs we are receiving are very busy. We would like to see some more artistic type designs with a little less wording.

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  • April 02, 2014 10:20 AM
    hmsmith hmsmith
      Project Holder
    To be honest, I don't know exactly what I want the banner to say. I wanted the designers to read some of the information on the website and come up with a simple way of expressing who we are that is eye catching. So that when we go to different venues, we have a sharp standout banner that people will notice. We are in such a drab industry and everything is so very dated and ugly, we really want to have something that is different.

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  • April 02, 2014 9:13 AM
    hmsmith hmsmith
      Project Holder
    You can see our primary objectives here: Promote Influence Advance Improve Inform Educate

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  • April 02, 2014 8:59 AM
    hmsmith hmsmith
      Project Holder
    Hello everyone! Thank you for submitting your designs. Here is some additional information that I would like to add. The MCA website is only for reference... it gives information on who we are, who we represent, what our mission is and what our are our values. Remember, people aren't going to take the time to read a whole bunch of words on this banner. The only requirement that I have as far as the website is concerned is that we must use our logo and the theme colors of blue and white. I am looking for something that is different, simple & eye catching, yet modern. I don't like the fonts that we use on the website, I would like to see something much more visually appealing.

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