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New look and logo for Carpet & Flooring company


Contest Holder PCF2801 ?

Last Logged in : 2681days8hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: New look and logo for Carpet & Fl ...
Industry: Retailers Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 19, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 95 concepts
Winning Design by: mnorth
Close Date: Feb 03, 2015

New look and logo for Carpet & Flooring company - Retailers

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

New look and logo for Carpet & Flooring company



Mid to high end retail carpet & flooring store...We want to appeal to all customers at all income levels, and also create an appeal to the younger crowd... while we are mid to high end we do not want to alienate any customer by appearing to be to expensive nor do want to represent that we are the low cost provider either. We need a new fresh bold look with good use of at least 2 colors and a design element that will make the logo stand out, elegant without too much flash or possibly whimsy but not cartoonish. PLEASE DO NOT BUILD THE LOGO ON ANY SOLID BACKROUND. It creates some limitations in use.


Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


for 12 years we have been represented by a gold logo on a gradient red background and I think its time for a change with the use of at least 2 colors possibly a third without any specific background. I think that maybe the use of red for 1 color may help keep some continuity in the market for us but am willing to consider not using the red at all

not sure

Please do not use a background in your designs. I want a logo that can stand out and be appreciate over WHITE.

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  • January 29, 2015 12:14 PM
    PCF2801 PCF2801
      Project Holder
    Thank you for all the submissions, there are several very nice concepts and I will communicate with the specific designer directly regarding their designs. A few General Notes. I am still open to new ideas with a design element that is incorporated with our name either above or to the right of our name. I'm feeling the the best ideas may be with a design element to the left of our name with PREMIER on line 1 and CARPET & FLOORING on line 2 for symmetry and preventing the logo from being to long or to tall. Lots of good use of colors, while my favorites are still darker reds, black and gold (yellowish gold). Some designs include the CARPET & FLOORING a bit too small...carpet & flooring is what we do and feel is should be prominent in the logo and not treated or shown as a tag-line... I was thinking some designs can be drafted with the P R E M I E R expanded a bit or elongated type font to allow space for the CARPET & FLOORING to be enlarged. Lastly, I like the good use of using a creative ampersand as or with the design. Increasign the size makes a nice appeal. Thank you very much.

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  • January 24, 2015 5:12 PM
    PCF2801 PCF2801
      Project Holder
    General notes to all designers with exception of those I've communicated directly. Your submissions are appreciated and some are very nice but still not what what I'm looking for 2-3 color logo with... PREMIER (in all caps-I don't think lower case works for us) in a bold non script font CARPET & FLOORING (if on second line) should be either the same size as PREMIER, or only 'slightly' smaller. Carpet & floorign is what we do and must be prominent in logo. Logo will be used in all aspect of promoting co and signage and on trucks....Please rework concepts to reflect proper sizing. My last note may have been confusing by the way it printed. see below for variations that will be considered P R E M I E R Carpet & Flooring PREMIER CARPET & F L O O R I N G Hoping for a creative design element that may represent carpet or flooring is some abstract way... The monogram designs I fear will be to generic and too big. If anything in a monogram style is considered it will be using the 'P' only. I haven't seen a monogram style I like and prefer the designs using just the 'P' The ampersand is always a neat way of creating design within the logo and feel free to use it in that way. Should any of you have any specific questions or are in need of clarification...message me directly Bryan NOTE, I will eliminate the designs that will not be considered in order to make it easy to view and compare designs.... Thank you for you work, consideration and understanding. Bryan

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  • January 21, 2015 2:01 PM
    PCF2801 PCF2801
      Project Holder
    Thank you for all the submissions. Some general notes to designers planning on submissions. Designers with submissions Ill sent you notes directly. 1.Scrips I don't think will work..lines are too thin and dont represent well when trying for a bold and straightforward look 2. Im open to a one line logo with creative design elements and colors OR 2 line logo with PREMIER or PREMIER CARPET as line 1 and CARPET & FLOORING or FLOORING alone as line 2 EX. PREMIER CARPET or P R E M I E R -F L O O R I N G- CARPET & FLOORING as long as the Carpet & Flooring is symmetrical and balance 3. The design element should be either a creative design element with some concept that represents carpet or flooring or our a good use of the P or PCF ......or somehting that is creative that's is worked into text nicely to The logo should show well on a white background, but would like to see same on a black or dark red background just to visualize it. Thank you

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