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Package Design for Single Seve Beverage Box

My Cup Counts Brand

Contest Holder DaveKooi ?

Last Logged in : 3401days6hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Package Design for Single Seve Be ...
Industry: Trade Logo
Contest Launched: Apr 28, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 41 concepts
Winning Design by: pivotal
Close Date: May 06, 2015

Package Design for Single Seve Beverage Box - Trade

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Package Design for Single Seve Beverage Box

My Cup Counts Brand

Graphic design for an existing package which supports a 24 count tumble pack for single serve cups. Also known as K-Cups. Design will eventually be used in different sizes for a 50/ct, 18/ct, and 12/ct box and ancillary needs such as packing film.  This package design must support a number of content requirements as detailed listed and will be compete on store shelves against other brands. Design Consideration: Because our organization is in Southern California we would like subtly incorporate the traditional patterns of Mexican tiles into a box design … but in a way that does not overpower our message and instead pays homage to our local history and culture.  Examples of Mexican tiles are available at this online location as clay body tiles and house number tiles. Additionally we respond to the treatment this designer used to incorporate traditional tile design and submit this link as inspirational.


Our target market is corporate trade and are consumers who drink coffee, tea and beverages distributed in single serve cups.

This package should meet the packing requirement for the USA Box Design Must Have: -My Cup Counts Logo in four locations each end and one side and top (provided as attachment) -Company Statement (provided as document) -Sustainability Message to be placed on bottom of package (provided as document) -Number Count as 24 Single Serve Cups. -Visual Image of Cup - this is an OPTION we would like to explore.= -Top of box must display messaging vertically. -Two sides must have landscape for a secondary attached label IF required which would indicate contents. Logos, copy requirements and examples of our previous boxes and the master die cut template are available at the following web link - no registration required: Contest:

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  • April 30, 2015 6:39 PM
    DaveKooi DaveKooi
      Project Holder
    I've uploaded a Die Line with the area of the boxes marked up as there is confusion I believe about how the box looks, where the bottom is and the front and top panels. I think this should help with confusion. I've also uploaded a photo of the sample box showing how it opens. Thank you :-)

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  • April 30, 2015 6:35 PM
    DaveKooi DaveKooi
      Project Holder
    I've uploaded a Die Line with the area of the boxes marked up as there is confusion I believe about how the box looks, where the bottom is and the front and top panels. I think this should help with confusion. Thank you :-)

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  • April 29, 2015 12:52 PM
    abdulmannan abdulmannan
    Dear project holder, help us can you massage in our inbox then we will understand . for which draf you talking about.

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  • April 29, 2015 12:43 PM
    DaveKooi DaveKooi
      Project Holder
    Additionally these boxes need to be more generic as they will be used for many different kinds of beverages as we note in the company statement. So If we can have generic beverage cup - no beans or no beverage at all. Thank you!

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  • April 29, 2015 12:10 PM
    DaveKooi DaveKooi
      Project Holder
    Hello, designs are looking great! A few items to call out from the Brief. The top (flap) must read vertically as some stores choose to stack these boxes vertically. Also the Punch-Out on the die line should not interfere with the story or design when removed ... and there needs to be an open area for a label indicating (usually 2x3inch) We like the location on the front but one side would need landscape for such a label. Sustainability message and address is fine on the bottom of the box small and this will leave more landscape on the sales fronts. We can't use the fine coffee bug or other design elements from the previous design except for our logo. Thank you so much!

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