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T Shirt Design for Tradeasia International Group

Tradeasia Logo (refer attachment)

Contest Holder tradeasialogo ?

Last Logged in : 4046days2hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: T Shirt Design for Tradeasia Inte ...
Industry: Trade Logo
Contest Launched: Dec 19, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 142 concepts
Winning Design by: imaginer
Close Date: Jan 10, 2014

T Shirt Design for Tradeasia International Group - Trade

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

T Shirt Design for Tradeasia International Group

Tradeasia Logo (refer attachment)

We are designing a corporate T shirt to be used for customers, suppliers, employees, agents and all other stake holders. The purpose of the T shirt is to be used as a gift and also for corporate brand promotion. We would like the designers to use our current Logo Design and Logo colours as a theme for designing the T shirt. The Logo is hereby attached as part of the material. We would want the design to be corporate, modern style and could use shades of blue as one of the colour schemes. We also propose that designers provide solution with design on White fabric background and also on other different colour fabric as an option for us to have more variety.


The target audience is corporate customers, suppliers, employees, stakeholders, agents and their families as a corporate brand promotion exercise.

The design should be corporate, modern using logo colours suitable for a trading multinational. The design could be inspired by the "Globe" of our current logo ( logo attached ) to find attractive corporate designs. The design could also be inspired by the various shades of Blue as part of the designing process. The design should also consider options of how it would appear on White fabric/ other coloured fabric. Please feel free to use ideas as you may find suitable as long as it is matching the corporate profile of a trading multinational.

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  • December 28, 2013 2:33 AM
    awancreative awancreative
    on this Project i was give you 53 design Please Give me suggestion or revision for it Thanks Best Regards Awan

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  • December 28, 2013 1:29 AM
    awancreative awancreative
    Hi Tradeasia... iwas give you 16 for a new design Tshirt...Please Give me feedback or suggestion Regards

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