5 Additional Skills You Need To Become A Graphic Design Mentor

Featured Image: iStock/retrorocket
What’s a graphic design mentor?
The National Academies Press describes mentorship as a long-term relationship of counseling that is not limited to an advice. Mentoring is close to inspiring, coaching and guiding someone to help them kickstart in whatever they came to you for. As a mentor, you may assist people in the following ways:
- Career advice
- Art direction
- Fundamental concepts
- Portfolio
- Freelancing
- Starting a business
You should understand that your success as a professional graphic design mentor is mandated by more than what is in your portfolio already. You also need to note that as a mentor, it is not about you; instead about those who are under your mentorship.
If you’re aiming to be one then hop on the wagon as we’ve shared the right skills you need, to be a mentor.
Communication Skills
Image Source: iStock/AlisaRut
If you’re a good communicator, you have what it takes to be a good graphic design mentor. Know that you need to listen as well to be able to comprehend and address the problem.
Part of helping others with their design portfolio is to be able to successfully convey what needs to be done and what needs to be erased.
Effective verbal communication and being able to convey tips in a supportive manner is the skill you need to possess to outshine from the rest.
Even if you criticize an expect of someone’s work or approach, you need him/her to benefit from your criticisms than to shatter into pieces thinking they’re all messed up.
Planning And Research Skills
Image Source: iStock/Mykyta Dolmatov
Before practically starting the mentoring journey with someone, make sure you look into them as a living case study.
It is very important to plan on how to make a newbie designer to a professional one, for example. You need to set goals that touch the right points of concern.
Make a strategy and a proper workflow just before you begin the journey. Understand what you need to do from start to end to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of this course. It will also save you the anxiety of being delayed or below the mark.
Positive Attitude
Image Source: iStock/arthobbit
Surprised? Don’t be. This is a skill! While some people are born with the ability to think positively, others need to acquire it. Perhaps not an easy task for a pessimistic person who is always skeptical. Nevertheless, if you have decided to become a mentor then you must embrace a positive attitude otherwise you won’t be able to do this line of work.
With an optimistic and constructive approach you will also be able to easily manage the part where you need to be empathetic towards each and every protégé.
Technical Competence
Image Source: iStock/invincible_bulldog
As a graphic design mentor, you need to have sound knowledge about the industry. You need to know the inside-out of what works and what doesn’t. Whoever comes to you for direction should not be bewildered.
You need to be aware of all the information regarding graphic designing and also the mentoree to provide the best solution. Update yourself with technology advancements to up the game of all those who chose you as their consultant.
Networking Skills
Image Source: iStock/Varijanta
As a design mentor, you need to understand that networking is key to connecting with those who need you but don’t necessarily know where to look for you.
The right kind of networking done in befitting places gives you opportunities to boost your career as a mentor and dig out gold from the coal mine. Once the finding is done, you then have to polish it and set in the market for purchase. This is where you require the above-mentioned skills.
How does a mentorship program work?
Take inspiration from Womentor, re:create, RookieUp and AIGA mentorship program. These mentorship agencies and programs may give you the ideas about your service.
Just make sure that you offer something unique, do personal branding and marketing. In a digital age, you need a website and some attractive banner designs to promote your services in events.
Image Source: iStock/ihorzigor
So the gist is…
To be a successful mentor, you need to constantly look for improvement opportunities while keeping your skills current at the same time. In the same manner, becoming a successful graphic design mentor requires something that goes beyond a mere proficient grip over tools and software that you use for rendering professional services. You have to have the ability to listen, practice empathy and walk the extra mile to make things work for someone else.
Remember to choose your candidates wisely. Don’t invest you time and effort on someone who isn’t willing to learn. Before becoming somebody’s mentor, do an interview with them to assess how serious are they.
Good Luck!