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Logo for a family practice physician

Mimi K. Sato-Re, M.D.

Contest Holder Kaece16 ?

Last Logged in : 2234days22hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a family practice physic ...
Industry: Medical Logo
Contest Launched: May 21, 2018
Selected: 1 winning design from 491 concepts
Winning Design by: goraart
Close Date: Jun 08, 2018

Logo for a family practice physician - Medical

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for a family practice physician

Mimi K. Sato-Re, M.D.

Medical Corporation or Family Medicine


We would like a clean, professional, engaging, and unique logo for a family practice female physician who provides care to patients of all ages. We are open to all concepts; there is no preference or lack of preference for particular, if any, symbols or identifiable objects (but, if electing to submit depictions of individuals, please do not depict typical stick figures --unique depictions are desired). Please do not submit against a black or dark background. Logo will be used primarily on white or ecru letterhead, and on a lighter website background.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Not sure, but I tend to like jewel tones.

not sure

Key words that describe my brand personality are: Empathetic, kind professional, trustworthy and thoughtful.

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  • June 01, 2018 7:52 PM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi once more everyone, Now that the entry period has concluded, we're in the process of narrowing things down and making final determinations. By way of preview, we anticipate a few stages of this phase of this process, as follows: 1. Narrowing each of your designs down to a single preferred variation (in process); 2. Meeting with our focus group regarding such single preferred variations (to occur over the next week) and obtaining feedback; and 3. Making final decisions, and selecting and awarding a 5th gold star to the winner. In this phase, it's likely that we'll slowly narrow things down. It's very hard, as we like all of your work! By the end of the week, there will be 1 design and variation remaining - the winner. Thank you again to everyone, and more to come over the next week!

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  • May 31, 2018 4:18 PM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi again everyone, We have made a run through with comments on each of the 6 design finalists (in certain cases, there are a couple of variations of the 6 base designs under consideration). We feel that we're close to the finish line in the process, and there's aspects of each of the designs that we really like. It will be very hard for us to make a decision, but we will do so in the period after the current entry phase is concluded. Thank you again for all of your efforts!

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  • May 29, 2018 2:14 AM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi everyone, We have reviewed each of the submissions since yesterday, and we have made some further hard decisions using the star system and eliminations to narrow the entries down to 6 designs, which we consider finalists for the project. As we still are interested in seeing these final 6 developed further in certain respects, we have extended the period for 3 days. We will select a winning design after the expiration of this 3 day period. Except as we otherwise may communicate to you in a direct message, during this 3 day period we mainly are interested in seeing different fonts, color combinations, and nuance/detail tweaks, if any, that you feel would further refine and polish your designs. With respect to fonts (and, again, unless we communicate to you in a direct message otherwise), we feel that the block lettering fonts provided are on target. We're interested, though, in seeing additional script fonts, and feel that we haven't connected with the ones submitted to date. Thank you again to all who have participated, and to those continuing into this extension/finalist round, we wish you the aboslute best in this phase of the project!

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  • May 28, 2018 4:18 AM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi again everyone, As we're now in the latter stages of the entry period, we felt compelled to start making some hard decisions about the entries submitted to date. Accordingly, we've narrowed things down quite a bit using the star system and eliminations. We see things that we like in each of the designs that have made it through to this point, and we have given comments on how each may be further developed and/or refined. Also, please feel free to try things that we haven't commented on -- we've noticed that we often don't know that we like something until we see it in front of us. :) To those whose designs have been eliminated, please know that we greatly appreciate your efforts, and that the elimination process does not in any way reflect on the gratitude that we feel for your creativity and talent. We truly are thankful to each and every designed who has participated, and we wish that we had a fraction of the skill that you do!

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  • May 25, 2018 3:23 AM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi everyone, Just a brief update to let you know that we’ll conduct another review of entries within the next 24 hours or so. Until then, all new and modified entries are welcome! Thanks again for all of your efforts!

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  • May 24, 2018 2:26 AM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi once more, everyone, We've gone through all of the submissions since the last run through them, and have provided feedback both via the stars system and, where applicable, with specific comments (due to time constraints, we unfortunately have not been able to send direct messages to everyone). It's great to see all of the different concepts and how you're developing them! One note for all of you: we generally are not amenable to designs that incorporate common props, such as stethoscopes and/or hearts (unless implemented in a very unique, non-stereotypical way). We do like both abstract and realistic designs - there is no preference from that standpoint. What resonates well with us simply are well conceived and implemented designs that reflect professionalism, caring, and the other attributes referenced in the creative brief. Hope this helps, and we're always open to new or refined ideas and concepts!

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  • May 22, 2018 7:20 PM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi once again everyone, Just a quick note to let you know that we'll be making another review within the next 24 hours, and then we'll provide further feedback to you. In the meantime, please do continue with submitting entries; we appreciate all of your efforts!

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  • May 22, 2018 3:18 AM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi again everyone, A few more comments to provide some additional guidance: * We're gravitating more toward designs that include some depiction of a family (mother, father, child), rather than those that are only wordmarks * For the family depiction, as referenced in our initial message, we tend not to like persons that are shown as the usual "V" figurines; some degree of detail or uniqueness is desired showing representations of people. It can be either realistic or abstract; we just don't care much for the typical "V" style of showing individuals * Please show as the tagline "Family Medicine"; we're gravitating away from using "Medical Corporation" * We're using the star rating system to provide additional guidance/direction to you, taking the initial brief, and each of the posts in this discussion section into account Thanks!

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  • May 21, 2018 3:55 PM
    Kaece16 Kaece16
      Project Holder
    Hi everyone, Thank you very much for the entries so far. Within the next day, we'll be reviewing them and providing specific feedback. For now, and in general, a couple of comments: 1. For those who are submitting designs with figures (father, mother, and children together), these designs do address the elements of kindness, caring, and family that are inherent in our brand. For these designs, the more uniqueness and/or detail that you provide in the figures, the more we would be inclined to like them. To give you an idea, for example, here's a few designs of figures from other contests that we like: And here's a few designs of figures from other contests that we don't like as much: 2. The above comments regarding designs with figures are not meant to indicate that designs with figures are the only types of designs that we would like (or that full body figures are necessary). As referenced in the creative brief, we're open to all concepts that capture the branding objectives. 3. A reference to "Family Medicine" or "Medical Corporation" should be included (either one or the other, but not both). Thanks again!

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