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Logo for Fitness/Apparel Company

Hawt Sauce Fitness - HS Fitness

Contest Holder decay333 ?

Last Logged in : 2038days22hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Fitness/Apparel Company
Industry: Apparel Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 18, 2014
Selected: 2 winning design from 75 concepts
Winning Design by: Shoaibali
Close Date: Jan 25, 2014

Logo for Fitness/Apparel Company - Apparel

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for Fitness/Apparel Company

Hawt Sauce Fitness - HS Fitness


This logo will need to cover many aspects of fitness, it should look good on clothing, website, and social media. We will be doing training videos, selling clothes, and much more.

This is an idea and a website created by a woman, but we would like it to be gender neutral
Since the idea is to get this logo on as many clothing items as possible, it needs to be simple but not appear simple. Screen Printing will be the main source for this.

A logo that can be any color, multi color or single color. I intend for the website to be black with white text, or white with black text, so use that as a guideline.

It is fitness related, so I am open to many ideas.

Try some things both with fitness themes such as (barbells or something) and try some things that are not fitness themes, maybe even just text. I guess what i am saying is use your imagination because I don't really have a set design in mind.

Like I said before, this is an idea created from a woman, but we are not looking for pink and flowers, It is fitness, so it needs to have a powerful statement. A 'no excuses' statement, a 'I work Mine, so I can kick yours' statement.

Hawt Sauce Fitness will be the company, but we are not sure if we want the whole name in the logo, maybe just HS Fitness, experiment here.


Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



not sure

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  • January 25, 2014 1:41 PM
    decay333 decay333
      Project Holder
    Hi Everybody, Thanks for the awesome work, my wife has picked 1 and will ad a second place prize as well if the creator is willing to do so. Thanks again!!

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  • January 25, 2014 1:41 PM
    decay333 decay333
      Project Holder
    Hi Everybody, Thanks for the awesome work, my wife has picked 1 and will ad a second place prize as well if the creator is willing to do so. Thanks again!!

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  • January 19, 2014 3:23 PM
    decay333 decay333
      Project Holder
    Remember don't make it too formal, we are not opening an insurance company. It needs to show so power, some drive, some determination. But simple as too be used for screen printing. #6 is looking good #12 as well, maybe play with some fonts. There are other numbers we like on the list as well. We have not come close to deciding yet, but so far those are a little more towards what we like, Some of the others, although they look good, look a little too formal, like an insurance company or something. Anyhow, keep up the good work

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  • January 19, 2014 10:57 AM
    decay333 decay333
      Project Holder
    Just an update, there are a lot of great designs, try not to use gradients, this will mostly be used for apparel/screen printing

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